Love & Relationship

READERS’ MAIL: Why Are So Many Black Women SINGLE?

black woman


I am a black woman in my mid 30’s and until 3 months ago, I was not part of the SINGLE and sometimes desperate clan and I didn’t think I was going to be back into that pool. I thought I had found the man of my dream and kept waiting for the day he was going to ask the all-important relationship question; would you married me.

But after two years of doing all I can to support him, the question never came and a mistake I made which I regret most pushed him to end everything we had and shared.

Now that I am back into the pool of single black women, I have started paying more attention to those around me and have realized that, almost all my black female friends are single with two of them being single mothers.

Interestingly, all the 5 out of the 6 non-black friends I have at work are in a serious relationship even though they cannot all brag about being happy all the time. Anyway, I do not expect them to be happy all the time since relationships have ups and downs.

For the last few days, I have been thinking about how I got myself back into this pool of so many single and sometimes desperate black women and how to quickly find an escape route. But my main worry has been, why is it that (or seems like) so many black women between the age of 25-40 are single while we have so many great men around?

What are those of us single doing so wrong? I hope some good sisters and brothers out there can help me figure out this.


From: Lily O./USA


You can send your Readers’ Mail directly to me via [email protected]

It may take some time to get published because I receive a lot of such mails and need to publish them one after the other. Thank You.


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