
M-net’s Big Brother Amplified: Three Housemates Evicted With Just Three Weeks To Go

Botswana’s Miss P, Ghana’s Alex and Angola’s Weza were evicted from M-Net’s Big Brother Amplified last night (10 July) after receiving the fewest country votes from Africa this week. Miss P’s revelation to the other ladies about her and Alex’s strategy seems to have cost the duo their places in the House, while the eviction of a third Housemate came as a shock to viewers and Housemates alike.

Half the Housemates have now been evicted from Big Brother Amplified – meaning that 13 are in the running for the two massive prizes of USD200 000 each!

After Nigerian star Ice Prince ripped up the stage with his hit “Superstar”, IK took viewers into the House and asked Karen to reveal her Head of House ‘save & replace’ decision to her Housemates. “Here’s the deal guys – there’s Weza, there’s Alex, Miss P, me and Sharon O. That’s a hard choice,” she told them. “And what I did… I didn’t do anything,” she said with a shrug. “I swapped no one. I put myself up”. The Housemates stared at each other for a second as her words sank in, before they rose to hug her.

After a performance by the Amplified dancers, IK took viewers straight back into the House. “This is where it gets serious. Housemates, when I call your name, please stand up,” he said. After a pause, he called out Miss P’s name. “Miss P – please leave the House now” he said, without naming another Housemate.  Once she had emerged on stage, IK confirmed that she had indeed become the next Housemate to be evicted from Big Brother Amplified – and asked her how she was feeling.

“I’m awesome, I’ve been preparing for this, you know I’m a game-player and this is part of the game,” she told him. “What was your best moment in the House?” he asked. “I’ve had so many! I can’t actually pick one. I liked the task where we were all tied up together ‘coz it brought us together – but then we hated each other,” she said. When quizzed about who she thought had nominated her, she said she had no idea, but “probably the girls”.

After viewing the nomination clips, she told IK that Luclay’s nomination had hurt the most. Then it was time for her to Blow a Fuse. IK read out the detail: “One Housemate must put on different clown faces every day of the week, this week. Makeup is available in the store room, which means this Fuse commences almost immediately.” He turned to her for a name. “I can’t do that to Alex…” she said as the crowd chanted the Ghanaian’s name. ”Mumba – I need Mumba to come out of the closet, so Mumba,” said Miss P.

IK bid her farewell – but immediately took viewers back into the House. “You know the drill, I wish I had more good news, but…. Alex please stand up,” IK told the Housemates. “Sharon O, please stand up…. Sharon O, you have been saved. Alex, please leave the House now,” IK said.

When the Ghanaian arrived on stage after a second Ice Prince performance, IK asked him what he thought had gone wrong in the House in the last week after things had seemingly been going well for him. “I think that the Jerry Springer Show blew me up!” he exclaimed.

“So are you regretting the plan you had with Miss P?” quizzed IK. “No man, I have no regrets, I enjoyed myself. It was a blast, a great experience – I’m looking forward to another one,” Alex told him. “What do you feel you could have done differently?” IK asked him. “Truthfully, I don’t think I would have changed anything, maybe I would have just been more cautious with my alliance with Peo, because when you hurt a girl, she goes in,” said Alex with a rueful smile.

Then it was his turn to ‘go in’ and Blow a Fuse: One Housemate must make all the other Housemates’ beds every day for one week. This fuse will last until this time next week. “The crowd said it – Weza!” said Alex, selecting the Angolan as the recipient in response to some intense chanting from the crowd. IK had time for one last question: “You got the first and maybe the last kiss – but who were you really after in the House?” “I mean, I’m feeling all the women, you understand, African women come in a lot of forms, a lot of shapes…” said Alex cryptically, before leaving the stage.

Just as the Housemates had started to relax, IK’s voice boomed into the House again. “It’s a tough day, I wish I had some good news…” he said ominously. “Karen and Weza please stand up,” he said. “Karen you have been saved, Weza you have been evicted from the House”.

As Weza emerged on stage, IK confirmed that she had also been evicted from the Big Brother Amplified House. “Do you have any regrets?” asked IK. “IK, I never regret anything I do, I only regret the things I didn’t do, so in this case, no regrets whatsoever,” she said, giggling. “This thing with you and Luclay – tell me about it, how serious was it?” he asked as the Angolan smiled coyly.

“Would you date him outside the House?” he probed “IK, Luclay has a girlfriend, we’re just very good friends,” said Weza.  Digging deeper, IK proposed a hypothetical: “Imagine he didn’t have a girlfriend – if he didn’t have a girlfriend and he was available, would you date him outside the House?” “No, we’re just very good friends,” said Weza again.

After seeing her highlights and nomination clips, it was her turn to Blow a Fuse: One Housemate must pack all their clothes and put them in the store room. That Housemate must borrow clothes from every other Housemate for the week.” “Oh my gosh – Karen – the crowd chose you,” said Weza after some thought.

“There was a thing with Alex, when Alex came into the House you had some interesting moments. What exactly do you feel for him?” asked IK as a tough parting shot. After smiling shyly and trying hard to avoid the question, the Angolan eventually answered: “That’s a very good question IK, I’ll get back to you!” before departing the stage.

Four viewers picked up fantastic prizes for voting and interacting with Big Brother during the past week: Caroline Messo (Kenya) won a DStv HD PVR, Zanele Kunene (South Africa) won a Samsung Laptop, Ramda Kassah (Ghana) won a Samsung Galaxy S and Debby Osagwere (Nigeria) won a Samsung Mobile Phone.

Two Big Brother Amplified Housemates will walk away with massive prizes of USD200 000 EACH on 31 July – there’s still a lot of action to come on Big Brother Amplified! Big Brother Amplified is headline sponsored by Coca-Cola. Fans can catch all the latest news, video – and all-important voting information –

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17 thoughts on “M-net’s Big Brother Amplified: Three Housemates Evicted With Just Three Weeks To Go”

    • @B.B, ; i wish Alex could have stayed a bit longer too if not bring the ultimate price to Ghana but its all the fault of Miss Pee

      • @nana aba,oh say that again! I blame Alex, he should have known better about women & strategies, better still he should have had a back up plan. it’s all too late now.

        • @B.B, So true bb, I knew he might be going home after that drama he had with the peo chic.He trusted that girl too much and forgot it was a game.At the same time, I feel karen was the cause of it cuz She could have nominated some other person other than herself , so Africa could have voted for people like Alex.But anyway, its all gud, everything happens for a reason.

      • @nana aba, miss pee did not twist alex`s hand,he was not forced to do what he did .He did what he did out of his own free will.

  1. Chris dont u think there might be some shady deal goin on in this BBA? because i dnt understand why it always look as if Nigerians are better than all the other countries and am not being bias here…two time running it has always bn a Nigerian and it looks as if Karen is now the favourite now…I think it would be fair if a housemate from another country wins…else i suggest the call the show Big Brother Nigeria..

    • @kofi, have been thinking there are some shady deal somewhere. Am not bothered about whether a Nigerian or whoever winning, what i dont get is that annoying graph that shows… “this is how Africa voted” 
      I have a feeling it’s way too easy for them to make changes to suit themselves. 
      Imagine, Angola didnt even vote for Weza according to that graph. How true can that be?

    • @kofi, i have been thinking the same thing…i really feel it shld be big brother nigeria too…its because nigerians are a big population thats why they win it all, smh

      • @Tina, I’m glad u and B.B feel the same way too…I believe strongly there might be some scam going on in BBA….and about the graph and the so called this is how Africa voted thing..i think they just maniplate it to support who they want in the house and who they want out…cos how can Angolans not vote for their own Weza…???…hmm we shall see who wins this time too…


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