
THE BIG DEBATE: Did the Coming of the White Man to Africa Do More Good Than Harm?

the big debate

Dear GC Readers and fellow debaters who may take me up on my stand in making the obvious clearer, that indeed, the coming of the white man to Africa brought more good than harm…

In my entire life, I’ve heard about people throw stones at the coming of the white man to Africa, saying, Africa would have been better today if they did not come to steal from us, if they did not to enslave our people and if they did not come to divide our people among others. What most of these people who forget is the fact that, there is always going to be two sides to every situation at any point in time and it is when the two sides are carefully weighed that you can actually establish where to position yourself.

Of course, the coming of the white man to Africa did a lot of harm but this debate is not about whether some harm was caused, rather, if the harm caused was more than the good—or the vice versa.

I will start by saying, one of the greatest things the white man brought to Africa that has become the underlying architecture of everything we do, ranging from our source of morality to our understanding of life is CHRISTIANIY & ISLAM. It was estimated in 2002 that Christians formed 40% of the continent’s population, with Muslims forming 45%—and it is believed that these percentages have increased astronomically, today.

Even if we decide to go by the above percentages, the traditional African religion will just have about 10-12%, making room for those who have no belief. If indeed the white man brought these religions to Africa which we have in might accept in such high percentages, was their coming to Africa not a great force for good, considering what Christianity and Islam has brought us?

Secondly, the coming of the white man to Africa introduced western or formal education to many parts of Africa. I would have loved to say, the white man brought formal/western education but that would probably be too far-fetched. Even if we cannot agree on the fact that the white man actually brought formal education/western education to Africa, I believe we will all agree on the fact that, the early missionaries were instrumental in taking formal/western education to all the corners as they propagated the Gospel and the teachings of Mohammed.

Can you even attempt to imagine Africa without formal education/western education some centuries back and today? Education they say is the key to success—and therefore, I believe I can boldly say, the white man brought to Africa our key to success.

Furthermore, the coming of the white man to Africa brought us trade. With the early Africans engaging in profitable trade enterprises with these foreigners, what else would we have asked for? We had Gold, Diamonds and several resources but what was the point if we could not trade them for the things we really needed or wanted—things like gun powder, mirrors, gin and at some point money and developing technologies.

Again, how can people even assert that the coming of the white man to Africa brought more harm than good, considering the ‘countlessly uncountable’ developmental projects such as building of schools, hospitals, railway lines, factories and other socio-economic facilities that the white man brought to us—through colonization and trade. For example, under the leadership of Governor Gordon Guggisberg in Ghana from the short period of 1919 to 1929, there was the energetically and much needed development and extension of railways, and he created the deep-water harbour of Takoradi. He also commissioned the Accra’s Korle Bu Teaching Hospital which was the finest and most modern institution of its kind in colonial Africa at the time. And today, it even stands as one of our greatest national assets…

Apart from the above, Guggisberg in Ghana extended the Accra – Tafo rail line to Kumasi.  A new line from Kade to Huni valley was constructed to serve the Cocoa and timber areas of the Central Province, and by the time of his departure, 128 Kilometers of rail lines had been completed.  Guggisberg added 168 Kilometers of rail line to the 430 which existed before he took over.

Let us not remember that, the Achimota School among others were build by him too. Across Africa, such developmental projects were the hallmark of the white’s invasion and activities…

Importantly, the white man brought western democracy to Africa—which by far has not been a total blessing but still remains the best form of tested system of governance the world has ever known. I cannot even imagine Africa without western democracy which gives voices and rights to the poor to be able to part of national governance and political situations…

Let me also add that, without the coming of the white man to Africa, we would probably not have had some of our most cherished persons like Jomo Kenyatta from Kenya, Kwame Nkrumah from Ghana, Nnamdi Azikiwe from Nigeria and others who were all educated in the West through the established connection of the white man coming to Africa…

Just as I stated in the beginning, surely the coming of the white man to Africa did some harm but the numerous good the coming brought which only a few could be highlighted, far outweighs the harm…

Now let’s hear the other debaters and commenters….


THE BIG DEBATE: This weekly column on GhanaCelebrities.Com has been restructured to accept write ups from readers who would like to join a topic under discussion. We will talk about eveyrthing relevant and interesting—ranging from social to political, entertainment to lifestyle, by looking at both sides of the coin in a debate manner…

As usual, readers and GC Staff members can join the debate via commenting or by sending in articles to [email protected] in rebuttal or agreement to the current debate. Please make the subject of your email; THE BIG DEBATE.

You can also propose a topic for debate or kick start one by sending in the first write up—with the topic well defined.


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28 thoughts on “THE BIG DEBATE: Did the Coming of the White Man to Africa Do More Good Than Harm?”

  1. Let me also start my saying I think this new column will be engaging and I will send in some topics we are worthy of discussions.

    I do not agree with you meaning I think and know the coming of the white man to Africa did more harm than good. The white men came to steal everything we had in Africa and they brought literally nothing. Even the developments they did, they did with our own money or resources. They did not bring anything from their land to improve ours.

    Also, slavery alone cancels everything that is deem good that they did in Africa. The effect of slavery alone outweighs those hospitals they built, the roads and everything. Let’s not forget the white man’s strategy which is, they build one school for Africans using our money, they will build 100 in their country using our money.

    The white man to me is the reason why Africa is at its current state. We cannot recover from the robbery, the atrocities and the damage their coming to Africa brought.

    They brought Christianity and Islam but before they came, we had our own religion. This is not a good thing because they came to replace ours with theirs and sadly because were are somehow non thinking people, we have accepted theirs us truth over our own so now we think these religions are blessings. Ours were blessings too and we were not complaining before they came, were we?

  2. Let me also start my saying I think this new column will be engaging and I will send in some topics we are worthy of discussions.

    I do not agree with you meaning I think and know the coming of the white man to Africa did more harm than good. The white men came to steal everything we had in Africa and they brought literally nothing. Even the developments they did, they did with our own money or resources. They did not bring anything from their land to improve ours.

    Also, slavery alone cancels everything that is deem good that they did in Africa. The effect of slavery alone outweighs those hospitals they built, the roads and everything. Let’s not forget the white man’s strategy which is, they build one school for Africans using our money, they will build 100 in their country using our money.

    The white man to me is the reason why Africa is at its current state. We cannot recover from the robbery, the atrocities and the damage their coming to Africa brought.

    They brought Christianity and Islam but before they came, we had our own religion. This is not a good thing because they came to replace ours with theirs and sadly because were are somehow non thinking people, we have accepted theirs us truth over our own so now we think these religions are blessings. Ours were blessings too and we were not complaining before they came, were we?

  3. Let me also start my saying I think this new column will be engaging and I will send in some topics we are worthy of discussions.

    I do not agree with you meaning I think and know the coming of the white man to Africa did more harm than good. The white men came to steal everything we had in Africa and they brought literally nothing. Even the developments they did, they did with our own money or resources. They did not bring anything from their land to improve ours.

    Also, slavery alone cancels everything that is deem good that they did in Africa. The effect of slavery alone outweighs those hospitals they built, the roads and everything. Let’s not forget the white man’s strategy which is, they build one school for Africans using our money, they will build 100 in their country using our money.

    The white man to me is the reason why Africa is at its current state. We cannot recover from the robbery, the atrocities and the damage their coming to Africa brought.

    They brought Christianity and Islam but before they came, we had our own religion. This is not a good thing because they came to replace ours with theirs and sadly because were are somehow non thinking people, we have accepted theirs us truth over our own so now we think these religions are blessings. Ours were blessings too and we were not complaining before they came, were we?

  4. Let me also start my saying I think this new column will be engaging and I will send in some topics we are worthy of discussions.

    I do not agree with you meaning I think and know the coming of the white man to Africa did more harm than good. The white men came to steal everything we had in Africa and they brought literally nothing. Even the developments they did, they did with our own money or resources. They did not bring anything from their land to improve ours.

    Also, slavery alone cancels everything that is deem good that they did in Africa. The effect of slavery alone outweighs those hospitals they built, the roads and everything. Let’s not forget the white man’s strategy which is, they build one school for Africans using our money, they will build 100 in their country using our money.

    The white man to me is the reason why Africa is at its current state. We cannot recover from the robbery, the atrocities and the damage their coming to Africa brought.

    They brought Christianity and Islam but before they came, we had our own religion. This is not a good thing because they came to replace ours with theirs and sadly because were are somehow non thinking people, we have accepted theirs us truth over our own so now we think these religions are blessings. Ours were blessings too and we were not complaining before they came, were we?

  5. Let me also start my saying I think this new column will be engaging and I will send in some topics we are worthy of discussions.

    I do not agree with you meaning I think and know the coming of the white man to Africa did more harm than good. The white men came to steal everything we had in Africa and they brought literally nothing. Even the developments they did, they did with our own money or resources. They did not bring anything from their land to improve ours.

    Also, slavery alone cancels everything that is deem good that they did in Africa. The effect of slavery alone outweighs those hospitals they built, the roads and everything. Let’s not forget the white man’s strategy which is, they build one school for Africans using our money, they will build 100 in their country using our money.

    The white man to me is the reason why Africa is at its current state. We cannot recover from the robbery, the atrocities and the damage their coming to Africa brought.

    They brought Christianity and Islam but before they came, we had our own religion. This is not a good thing because they came to replace ours with theirs and sadly because were are somehow non thinking people, we have accepted theirs us truth over our own so now we think these religions are blessings. Ours were blessings too and we were not complaining before they came, were we?

  6. Chris I will disagree with you on this one. Over half of human civilisation was over before we knew the was a European man in the world. This is fact and accurate with history. if you look at what ancient Africans did 10000BC then you can say there is nothing new under the sun. we hadaarchitecture, medicine and others 2500 bc even before the greeks existed. This civilisation began from the beginning of the river nile when the nile served as a source of life. these ancient africans will follow the nile river to the place called Egypt today by the greeks. Its ancient name was Kemet. This is where the people start developing extensively; pyramid building linked to stars to show signs, medicine religion etc. Even today, the Abrahamic or judaeo christian faith is derived from the ancient african belief system. to cut things short we lost all these things when the hyksoks from the middle east invaded. not only them, the persians invaded, romans greeks and lastly the arabs. The coming of the European and a forced religion on africans as well as slavery hindered the progress of African people. Europeans know what we are capable of thats why they even chased as down south from egypt to take slaves to develop their countries. Sad thing is Africans should learn positively from this but when you try to explsin things they choose the emotions over the logic. we have to stop blaming the whites and rather look into things as to why we were enslaved coz the were people in Europe and america already so why didn’t they use their own people. also when the portugues came to west africa they built their castles with guns pointing to sea to fight their own european brothers coz they knew they needed alot of the africans to build their cities. the ancient egyptians were black until the arab invasions took over their lands. Europeans know this well and they will deny it to keep the african mind locked. like it is right now. they have done more harm than good in my opinion. checkout the youtube video by basil davidson the british historian. title different but equal.

    • Interesting historical facts but I don’t see any arguments against or for…If you think the coming of the white man to Africa did more harm than good, then put up the harms they caused as against the good I think they did and let’s weigh. As I stated, it is only in doing the comparison and finding justifications that we can actually establish the real impact of their presence in Africa.

      I did not attribute civilization to the white since it is accepted that it all started in Egypt. But my pain rests on the fact that, if civilization started from Egypt as documented, what then happened? How come we’ve not kept up with civilization and the west seems to have taken the lead. Do not invoke salary as the obstacle because slavery lasted for 240 years or so, and before and after that, what was and what is the state of Africa in terms of civilization and development?

      • Slavery was in ancient Egypt too, not only the transatlantic slave trade but there was that of the hyksoks which lasted 400yrs and the arab slave trade. I believe that some of our people had their hands in this act too. coz for a people so powerful to now be placed at the bottom is quite strange. Yes I know some people who say they prefare the times when the British were in charge in ghana. coz they say there were jobs, proper building and maintenance of them all and like u said railways and all but truth is we’ve failed to maintain and even develop. The African hasn’t been able to think and especially after embracing a religion that makes the masses rely on some sky daddy to solve their problems then you won’t progress. Now am not talking about getting rid of religion but I don’t think the bible is something to be taking literally. it is allegory and symbolic. the europeans understand that very well hence they are able to progress. This is why the African who doesn’t understand religion is so extreme in woteva they do. I must say there are some positves but their religion has locked the mind of the african until we unlock the truth things will be worse. The African knew God way before obroni!

      • Slavery was in ancient Egypt too, not only the transatlantic slave trade but there was that of the hyksoks which lasted 400yrs and the arab slave trade. I believe that some of our people had their hands in this act too. coz for a people so powerful to now be placed at the bottom is quite strange. Yes I know some people who say they prefare the times when the British were in charge in ghana. coz they say there were jobs, proper building and maintenance of them all and like u said railways and all but truth is we’ve failed to maintain and even develop. The African hasn’t been able to think and especially after embracing a religion that makes the masses rely on some sky daddy to solve their problems then you won’t progress. Now am not talking about getting rid of religion but I don’t think the bible is something to be taking literally. it is allegory and symbolic. the europeans understand that very well hence they are able to progress. This is why the African who doesn’t understand religion is so extreme in woteva they do. I must say there are some positves but their religion has locked the mind of the african until we unlock the truth things will be worse. The African knew God way before obroni!

      • Slavery was in ancient Egypt too, not only the transatlantic slave trade but there was that of the hyksoks which lasted 400yrs and the arab slave trade. I believe that some of our people had their hands in this act too. coz for a people so powerful to now be placed at the bottom is quite strange. Yes I know some people who say they prefare the times when the British were in charge in ghana. coz they say there were jobs, proper building and maintenance of them all and like u said railways and all but truth is we’ve failed to maintain and even develop. The African hasn’t been able to think and especially after embracing a religion that makes the masses rely on some sky daddy to solve their problems then you won’t progress. Now am not talking about getting rid of religion but I don’t think the bible is something to be taking literally. it is allegory and symbolic. the europeans understand that very well hence they are able to progress. This is why the African who doesn’t understand religion is so extreme in woteva they do. I must say there are some positves but their religion has locked the mind of the african until we unlock the truth things will be worse. The African knew God way before obroni!

      • Slavery was in ancient Egypt too, not only the transatlantic slave trade but there was that of the hyksoks which lasted 400yrs and the arab slave trade. I believe that some of our people had their hands in this act too. coz for a people so powerful to now be placed at the bottom is quite strange. Yes I know some people who say they prefare the times when the British were in charge in ghana. coz they say there were jobs, proper building and maintenance of them all and like u said railways and all but truth is we’ve failed to maintain and even develop. The African hasn’t been able to think and especially after embracing a religion that makes the masses rely on some sky daddy to solve their problems then you won’t progress. Now am not talking about getting rid of religion but I don’t think the bible is something to be taking literally. it is allegory and symbolic. the europeans understand that very well hence they are able to progress. This is why the African who doesn’t understand religion is so extreme in woteva they do. I must say there are some positves but their religion has locked the mind of the african until we unlock the truth things will be worse. The African knew God way before obroni!

      • Slavery was in ancient Egypt too, not only the transatlantic slave trade but there was that of the hyksoks which lasted 400yrs and the arab slave trade. I believe that some of our people had their hands in this act too. coz for a people so powerful to now be placed at the bottom is quite strange. Yes I know some people who say they prefare the times when the British were in charge in ghana. coz they say there were jobs, proper building and maintenance of them all and like u said railways and all but truth is we’ve failed to maintain and even develop. The African hasn’t been able to think and especially after embracing a religion that makes the masses rely on some sky daddy to solve their problems then you won’t progress. Now am not talking about getting rid of religion but I don’t think the bible is something to be taking literally. it is allegory and symbolic. the europeans understand that very well hence they are able to progress. This is why the African who doesn’t understand religion is so extreme in woteva they do. I must say there are some positves but their religion has locked the mind of the african until we unlock the truth things will be worse. The African knew God way before obroni!

    • Interesting historical facts but I don’t see any arguments against or for…If you think the coming of the white man to Africa did more harm than good, then put up the harms they caused as against the good I think they did and let’s weigh. As I stated, it is only in doing the comparison and finding justifications that we can actually establish the real impact of their presence in Africa.

      I did not attribute civilization to the white since it is accepted that it all started in Egypt. But my pain rests on the fact that, if civilization started from Egypt as documented, what then happened? How come we’ve not kept up with civilization and the west seems to have taken the lead. Do not invoke salary as the obstacle because slavery lasted for 240 years or so, and before and after that, what was and what is the state of Africa in terms of civilization and development?

    • Interesting historical facts but I don’t see any arguments against or for…If you think the coming of the white man to Africa did more harm than good, then put up the harms they caused as against the good I think they did and let’s weigh. As I stated, it is only in doing the comparison and finding justifications that we can actually establish the real impact of their presence in Africa.

      I did not attribute civilization to the white since it is accepted that it all started in Egypt. But my pain rests on the fact that, if civilization started from Egypt as documented, what then happened? How come we’ve not kept up with civilization and the west seems to have taken the lead. Do not invoke salary as the obstacle because slavery lasted for 240 years or so, and before and after that, what was and what is the state of Africa in terms of civilization and development?

    • Interesting historical facts but I don’t see any arguments against or for…If you think the coming of the white man to Africa did more harm than good, then put up the harms they caused as against the good I think they did and let’s weigh. As I stated, it is only in doing the comparison and finding justifications that we can actually establish the real impact of their presence in Africa.

      I did not attribute civilization to the white since it is accepted that it all started in Egypt. But my pain rests on the fact that, if civilization started from Egypt as documented, what then happened? How come we’ve not kept up with civilization and the west seems to have taken the lead. Do not invoke salary as the obstacle because slavery lasted for 240 years or so, and before and after that, what was and what is the state of Africa in terms of civilization and development?

    • Interesting historical facts but I don’t see any arguments against or for…If you think the coming of the white man to Africa did more harm than good, then put up the harms they caused as against the good I think they did and let’s weigh. As I stated, it is only in doing the comparison and finding justifications that we can actually establish the real impact of their presence in Africa.

      I did not attribute civilization to the white since it is accepted that it all started in Egypt. But my pain rests on the fact that, if civilization started from Egypt as documented, what then happened? How come we’ve not kept up with civilization and the west seems to have taken the lead. Do not invoke salary as the obstacle because slavery lasted for 240 years or so, and before and after that, what was and what is the state of Africa in terms of civilization and development?

  7. Chris I will disagree with you on this one. Over half of human civilisation was over before we knew the was a European man in the world. This is fact and accurate with history. if you look at what ancient Africans did 10000BC then you can say there is nothing new under the sun. we hadaarchitecture, medicine and others 2500 bc even before the greeks existed. This civilisation began from the beginning of the river nile when the nile served as a source of life. these ancient africans will follow the nile river to the place called Egypt today by the greeks. Its ancient name was Kemet. This is where the people start developing extensively; pyramid building linked to stars to show signs, medicine religion etc. Even today, the Abrahamic or judaeo christian faith is derived from the ancient african belief system. to cut things short we lost all these things when the hyksoks from the middle east invaded. not only them, the persians invaded, romans greeks and lastly the arabs. The coming of the European and a forced religion on africans as well as slavery hindered the progress of African people. Europeans know what we are capable of thats why they even chased as down south from egypt to take slaves to develop their countries. Sad thing is Africans should learn positively from this but when you try to explsin things they choose the emotions over the logic. we have to stop blaming the whites and rather look into things as to why we were enslaved coz the were people in Europe and america already so why didn’t they use their own people. also when the portugues came to west africa they built their castles with guns pointing to sea to fight their own european brothers coz they knew they needed alot of the africans to build their cities. the ancient egyptians were black until the arab invasions took over their lands. Europeans know this well and they will deny it to keep the african mind locked. like it is right now. they have done more harm than good in my opinion. checkout the youtube video by basil davidson the british historian. title different but equal.

  8. Chris I will disagree with you on this one. Over half of human civilisation was over before we knew the was a European man in the world. This is fact and accurate with history. if you look at what ancient Africans did 10000BC then you can say there is nothing new under the sun. we hadaarchitecture, medicine and others 2500 bc even before the greeks existed. This civilisation began from the beginning of the river nile when the nile served as a source of life. these ancient africans will follow the nile river to the place called Egypt today by the greeks. Its ancient name was Kemet. This is where the people start developing extensively; pyramid building linked to stars to show signs, medicine religion etc. Even today, the Abrahamic or judaeo christian faith is derived from the ancient african belief system. to cut things short we lost all these things when the hyksoks from the middle east invaded. not only them, the persians invaded, romans greeks and lastly the arabs. The coming of the European and a forced religion on africans as well as slavery hindered the progress of African people. Europeans know what we are capable of thats why they even chased as down south from egypt to take slaves to develop their countries. Sad thing is Africans should learn positively from this but when you try to explsin things they choose the emotions over the logic. we have to stop blaming the whites and rather look into things as to why we were enslaved coz the were people in Europe and america already so why didn’t they use their own people. also when the portugues came to west africa they built their castles with guns pointing to sea to fight their own european brothers coz they knew they needed alot of the africans to build their cities. the ancient egyptians were black until the arab invasions took over their lands. Europeans know this well and they will deny it to keep the african mind locked. like it is right now. they have done more harm than good in my opinion. checkout the youtube video by basil davidson the british historian. title different but equal.

  9. Chris I will disagree with you on this one. Over half of human civilisation was over before we knew the was a European man in the world. This is fact and accurate with history. if you look at what ancient Africans did 10000BC then you can say there is nothing new under the sun. we hadaarchitecture, medicine and others 2500 bc even before the greeks existed. This civilisation began from the beginning of the river nile when the nile served as a source of life. these ancient africans will follow the nile river to the place called Egypt today by the greeks. Its ancient name was Kemet. This is where the people start developing extensively; pyramid building linked to stars to show signs, medicine religion etc. Even today, the Abrahamic or judaeo christian faith is derived from the ancient african belief system. to cut things short we lost all these things when the hyksoks from the middle east invaded. not only them, the persians invaded, romans greeks and lastly the arabs. The coming of the European and a forced religion on africans as well as slavery hindered the progress of African people. Europeans know what we are capable of thats why they even chased as down south from egypt to take slaves to develop their countries. Sad thing is Africans should learn positively from this but when you try to explsin things they choose the emotions over the logic. we have to stop blaming the whites and rather look into things as to why we were enslaved coz the were people in Europe and america already so why didn’t they use their own people. also when the portugues came to west africa they built their castles with guns pointing to sea to fight their own european brothers coz they knew they needed alot of the africans to build their cities. the ancient egyptians were black until the arab invasions took over their lands. Europeans know this well and they will deny it to keep the african mind locked. like it is right now. they have done more harm than good in my opinion. checkout the youtube video by basil davidson the british historian. title different but equal.

  10. Chris I will disagree with you on this one. Over half of human civilisation was over before we knew the was a European man in the world. This is fact and accurate with history. if you look at what ancient Africans did 10000BC then you can say there is nothing new under the sun. we hadaarchitecture, medicine and others 2500 bc even before the greeks existed. This civilisation began from the beginning of the river nile when the nile served as a source of life. these ancient africans will follow the nile river to the place called Egypt today by the greeks. Its ancient name was Kemet. This is where the people start developing extensively; pyramid building linked to stars to show signs, medicine religion etc. Even today, the Abrahamic or judaeo christian faith is derived from the ancient african belief system. to cut things short we lost all these things when the hyksoks from the middle east invaded. not only them, the persians invaded, romans greeks and lastly the arabs. The coming of the European and a forced religion on africans as well as slavery hindered the progress of African people. Europeans know what we are capable of thats why they even chased as down south from egypt to take slaves to develop their countries. Sad thing is Africans should learn positively from this but when you try to explsin things they choose the emotions over the logic. we have to stop blaming the whites and rather look into things as to why we were enslaved coz the were people in Europe and america already so why didn’t they use their own people. also when the portugues came to west africa they built their castles with guns pointing to sea to fight their own european brothers coz they knew they needed alot of the africans to build their cities. the ancient egyptians were black until the arab invasions took over their lands. Europeans know this well and they will deny it to keep the african mind locked. like it is right now. they have done more harm than good in my opinion. checkout the youtube video by basil davidson the british historian. title different but equal.

  11. Chris, I totally disagree with you on this one. Slavery and colonialism enriched Europe and reduced Africa to abject poverty. The effects of colonialism past and present are visible all over Africa. Africa was destroyed by imperialist Europe and is still being destroyed by Europe. The history of European colonization has been not only of land dispossession but of destroying African knowledge. During the colonial era, many European colonizers, such as Great Britain, took a paternalistic view of the traditional African culture. They saw themselves as acting in the best interest of these people, bringing them Christianity and civilization. This attitude destroyed traditional beliefs and social values. Some groups attempted to curry favor with the colonizers by converting to Christianity and renouncing their traditional beliefs. Colonial powers conquered distant lands in part to exploit their natural resources, and exerted complete control of the extraction and export of cash crops and minerals — often with little regard to helping the people native to the area. However, African territories, saw roads and other infrastructure as a result of colonialism. However, such progress came at the expense of harsh treatment by the colonizers.

  12. Chris, I totally disagree with you on this one. Slavery and colonialism enriched Europe and reduced Africa to abject poverty. The effects of colonialism past and present are visible all over Africa. Africa was destroyed by imperialist Europe and is still being destroyed by Europe. The history of European colonization has been not only of land dispossession but of destroying African knowledge. During the colonial era, many European colonizers, such as Great Britain, took a paternalistic view of the traditional African culture. They saw themselves as acting in the best interest of these people, bringing them Christianity and civilization. This attitude destroyed traditional beliefs and social values. Some groups attempted to curry favor with the colonizers by converting to Christianity and renouncing their traditional beliefs. Colonial powers conquered distant lands in part to exploit their natural resources, and exerted complete control of the extraction and export of cash crops and minerals — often with little regard to helping the people native to the area. However, African territories, saw roads and other infrastructure as a result of colonialism. However, such progress came at the expense of harsh treatment by the colonizers.

  13. Chris, I totally disagree with you on this one. Slavery and colonialism enriched Europe and reduced Africa to abject poverty. The effects of colonialism past and present are visible all over Africa. Africa was destroyed by imperialist Europe and is still being destroyed by Europe. The history of European colonization has been not only of land dispossession but of destroying African knowledge. During the colonial era, many European colonizers, such as Great Britain, took a paternalistic view of the traditional African culture. They saw themselves as acting in the best interest of these people, bringing them Christianity and civilization. This attitude destroyed traditional beliefs and social values. Some groups attempted to curry favor with the colonizers by converting to Christianity and renouncing their traditional beliefs. Colonial powers conquered distant lands in part to exploit their natural resources, and exerted complete control of the extraction and export of cash crops and minerals — often with little regard to helping the people native to the area. However, African territories, saw roads and other infrastructure as a result of colonialism. However, such progress came at the expense of harsh treatment by the colonizers.

  14. Chris, I totally disagree with you on this one. Slavery and colonialism enriched Europe and reduced Africa to abject poverty. The effects of colonialism past and present are visible all over Africa. Africa was destroyed by imperialist Europe and is still being destroyed by Europe. The history of European colonization has been not only of land dispossession but of destroying African knowledge. During the colonial era, many European colonizers, such as Great Britain, took a paternalistic view of the traditional African culture. They saw themselves as acting in the best interest of these people, bringing them Christianity and civilization. This attitude destroyed traditional beliefs and social values. Some groups attempted to curry favor with the colonizers by converting to Christianity and renouncing their traditional beliefs. Colonial powers conquered distant lands in part to exploit their natural resources, and exerted complete control of the extraction and export of cash crops and minerals — often with little regard to helping the people native to the area. However, African territories, saw roads and other infrastructure as a result of colonialism. However, such progress came at the expense of harsh treatment by the colonizers.

  15. Chris, I totally disagree with you on this one. Slavery and colonialism enriched Europe and reduced Africa to abject poverty. The effects of colonialism past and present are visible all over Africa. Africa was destroyed by imperialist Europe and is still being destroyed by Europe. The history of European colonization has been not only of land dispossession but of destroying African knowledge. During the colonial era, many European colonizers, such as Great Britain, took a paternalistic view of the traditional African culture. They saw themselves as acting in the best interest of these people, bringing them Christianity and civilization. This attitude destroyed traditional beliefs and social values. Some groups attempted to curry favor with the colonizers by converting to Christianity and renouncing their traditional beliefs. Colonial powers conquered distant lands in part to exploit their natural resources, and exerted complete control of the extraction and export of cash crops and minerals — often with little regard to helping the people native to the area. However, African territories, saw roads and other infrastructure as a result of colonialism. However, such progress came at the expense of harsh treatment by the colonizers.

  16. Chris, I totally disagree with you on this one. Slavery and colonialism enriched Europe and reduced Africa to abject poverty. The effects of colonialism past and present are visible all over Africa. Africa was destroyed by imperialist Europe and is still being destroyed by Europe. The history of European colonization has been not only of land dispossession but of destroying African knowledge. During the colonial era, many European colonizers, such as Great Britain, took a paternalistic view of the traditional African culture. They saw themselves as acting in the best interest of these people, bringing them Christianity and civilization. This attitude destroyed traditional beliefs and social values. Some groups attempted to curry favor with the colonizers by converting to Christianity and renouncing their traditional beliefs. Colonial powers conquered distant lands in part to exploit their natural resources, and exerted complete control of the extraction and export of cash crops and minerals — often with little regard to helping the people native to the area. However, African territories, saw roads and other infrastructure as a result of colonialism. However, such progress came at the expense of harsh treatment by the colonizers.

  17. Chris, I totally disagree with you on this one. Slavery and colonialism enriched Europe and reduced Africa to abject poverty. The effects of colonialism past and present are visible all over Africa. Africa was destroyed by imperialist Europe and is still being destroyed by Europe. The history of European colonization has been not only of land dispossession but of destroying African knowledge. During the colonial era, many European colonizers, such as Great Britain, took a paternalistic view of the traditional African culture. They saw themselves as acting in the best interest of these people, bringing them Christianity and civilization. This attitude destroyed traditional beliefs and social values. Some groups attempted to curry favor with the colonizers by converting to Christianity and renouncing their traditional beliefs. Colonial powers conquered distant lands in part to exploit their natural resources, and exerted complete control of the extraction and export of cash crops and minerals — often with little regard to helping the people native to the area. However, African territories, saw roads and other infrastructure as a result of colonialism. However, such progress came at the expense of harsh treatment by the colonizers.

  18. Chris, I totally disagree with you on this one. Slavery and colonialism enriched Europe and reduced Africa to abject poverty. The effects of colonialism past and present are visible all over Africa. Africa was destroyed by imperialist Europe and is still being destroyed by Europe. The history of European colonization has been not only of land dispossession but of destroying African knowledge. During the colonial era, many European colonizers, such as Great Britain, took a paternalistic view of the traditional African culture. They saw themselves as acting in the best interest of these people, bringing them Christianity and civilization. This attitude destroyed traditional beliefs and social values. Some groups attempted to curry favor with the colonizers by converting to Christianity and renouncing their traditional beliefs. Colonial powers conquered distant lands in part to exploit their natural resources, and exerted complete control of the extraction and export of cash crops and minerals — often with little regard to helping the people native to the area. However, African territories, saw roads and other infrastructure as a result of colonialism. However, such progress came at the expense of harsh treatment by the colonizers.


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