Readers Mail

Ghanaians Are the Cause of the Country’s Problems | Lazy Folks with Bad Working Ethics, Greedy Citizens with Low Self Esteem, Unproductive People Who Cannot Think Critically & MORE



Hello Chris-Vincent,

I read your recent article titled “Ghana is FOR SALE, Who Wants to Buy? | The Chinese, the Koreans or the Americans?” with extreme joy and to be frank, I love the way you were straight with things. Indeed, Ghana is being and has always been ran by people with little or no clue about governance, with no sense of direction and no strong plans for the country despite their many high education titles.

However, even if we sell Ghana to the Chinese, the Americans or the South Koreans as you suggested and bring their leaders here to take charge of affairs; nothing will change because the problems of Ghana are mainly due to the over 22 million citizens and not the few people in power.

Sorry to say, Ghanaians by default are lazy and stupid and as the years go by, they’ve become even more stupid, ignorant and lazy. Ghanaians do not think and they operate as if they have no ability to think. They will rather let some supreme being in heaven do the thinking for them while they pray that things around them be fixed by divine intervention.

Ghana is one hell of a big JOKE and the comedians are the citizens who have no working ethics, resulting in poor productivity which strengthens the chain of poverty.

Look, let me tell you and those who may read this the truth, Ghana will not get any better unless the people begin to behave and think like human beings by starting to use their thinking faculties and borrow the hard working ethics of others. And while at it, they should let go their low self-esteem which controls their desire to be others, admire the food and lifestyle of others without any respect for who they themselves are and what they have.

Once again, let me say that Ghana is a joke and if there is indeed HELL, Ghanaians are already living in hell and are being punished for being so stupid, greedy and lazy.

A Ghanaian does not want to sweat and work hard, but he wants to live like a Queen or a King and they believe their God will do this for them. Instead of working two jobs to improve their condition, they will rather attend church services twice a day to increase the prospects of their prayers being heard. What a bunch of idiots put together in a country called Ghana.

Where in this world will you have so many people as foolish as Ghana, believing in superstition and all manner of nonsense—literally, refusing to critically think and make good use of their brains? It is as if the Ghanaian brain has been injected with ‘stupidity’.

The Educational system in Ghana in itself is pretty useless, all students do is chew and pour, studying stupid subjects like Swahili with no job prospects and when they come out, they blame the economy. What the heck is really wrong with us as people?

Did you not see how sane Ghanaians were fighting over second hand clothes of white men in that BBC documentary with some even saying; they prefer such clothes to the Ghanaian one even if they can afford the latter? We are just useless in thinking, in walking, in running and in making anything better for ourselves.

The leaders of Ghana are Ghanaians so what do you expect? Just like the people, the leaders have the same mind, attitude, work ethics and low thinking speed.

Tell the Ghanaian the truth and he will turn around to insult you. Present a Ghanaian the evidence or the fact and he will opt for superstition and disconnected beliefs.

Offer the Ghanaian a reliable route to change and he will opt for miracles by waiting on God to answer his or her prayers. For Christ sake, there are billions of people in this world praying to God, so why will any sensible person think he or she is so special that his or her prayer will be answered first or immediately?

God has given us brains but we have refused to use that brain, still waiting on God to do the thinking and fix everything for us. So God has come to a realization that we are stupid and he will not even bother with us.

Sometimes, I settle for the assumption that, Ghanaians are doomed. What else will explain our gross stupidity and ethics?

Go and see the Ghanaian gutters and the environment, who makes all those rubbish and puts them in the gutters? We all know it is not the government, rather the people. And when mosquitoes breed and begin to kill them through Malaria, they start blaming the Government, forgetting that they are caused of their own deaths.

While others are thinking forward with a rocket speed, Ghanaians are thinking backwards with a snail speed. We do not think logically and examine things logically to find solutions to our problems; we wait for help from heaven or from foreigners. Why must we always be rescued by others and not by ourselves?

Ghanaians are just losers who love to blame others for their own-caused problems. They will blame everybody but not themselves…

From: Owusu Agyeman | New York-USA


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42 thoughts on “Ghanaians Are the Cause of the Country’s Problems | Lazy Folks with Bad Working Ethics, Greedy Citizens with Low Self Esteem, Unproductive People Who Cannot Think Critically & MORE”

  1. I love people who say it just as it is. That is the naked truth you’ve just laid down. I hate people who don’t accept their mistakes and work towards them. You’ve said it all. It seems common sense is not just common to us. No good leadership. It baffles me with some reasons people give for voting for a particular authority. We are more than stupid. But for me there should no be voting in GHana. There’s no direction no focus I mean nothing. Wee a mess as you stated. You deserve an applaud mr writer

  2. Its about time we stopped blaming everyone else for our problems. When I read the article, I replaced “Ghanaians” with “I” and “We”. It made me cringe just a bit…Lets just say that this article is indeed a hard pill to swallow.

  3. This is so true. We Ghanaians are useless at making things better. I love the part he talked about going to church twice a day when we should rather be having two jobs. Ghanaians are too chilled and sometimes too stupid. Same are our leaders so we are equally guilty. Nice piece but will anything change? No the stupidity is in us.

    • I do agree that too much of everything is bad but lets not make the mistake and think that a country’s progress should be devoid of religious and spiritual growth of its ppl. Having all the money in the bank does not automatically bring happiness. Neither does profound spiritual growth and an empty bank account bring happiness. We must find a way to balance hardwork and spirituality. One is useless without the other

      • Exactly. For me Sunday is the day to worship. One must not necessarily attend all night, prayer meetings on saturdays etc. One day is enough.

      • The bible says “If anyone isn’t willing to work, he should not eat” ◄ 2 Thessalonians 3:10 ►
        God even hate lazy people! When I was in Ghana last December driving on the spintex road on one Thursday afternoon I saw a lot of people coming out from Action chapel church and I asked someone if they only worship on Thursday and I was told no but it’s a prayer feast for every Thursday so my question was people don’t go to work or they ran from work to come to church on Thursday. Am a true Christian but this ain’t right for someone to leave his or her office work and come to church and you expect God to bless our country.. See there’s time for everything people of Ghana.

    • Oh, must you panic? He’s never gonna win any presidential election in his entire life! Too obvious not to know. Relax dear. I know what I’m talking about. Calmly watch n see next 2years. He’s not appointed in the heavens, never will that happen!

      • This’s lack of respect, like I said earlier on!! It’s his or her own opinion so why do you have to insult the person!! It’s quite funny tho but probably this’s what the person want to say….hmmmmm Ghana

  4. Preach i totally agree with you. We’re our own worst enemies. they will still pour insults on you when you try to help them.

  5. Whats with the constant use of “they” and “them” when referring to Ghanaians? Are we not all Ghanaians? We are guilty as charged. The article describes what Ghanaians are guilty of. Until WE accept that WE all have issues, WE will never make progress. Everyone who has commented on this article (myself included) is guilty as charged so I beg make we stop the “them” “they” “those” attitude and fight for a better Ghana

  6. I do not know much about the skul system in GH but perhaps we can encourage our children to engage in critical thinking.

    Because ever action starts from the mind .

    Thats why it is important to teach our future generations the necessary skills so that they wont do the mistakes of the older generation.

    There is a saying which says ” if u control a mans education u control his mind”.

      • I know right!!! They will always be beggars if they don’t change that’s nasty attitude of always depending on people!!

    • This is a good article and I’m so glad there’s a consensus here that we Ghanainas are a big part of the problem. My question to you Lakesha is since you are so strong in condemning Ghanaians as if you are not part of the problem (use of words like “they”, “them”, etc). What have you done or tried to do to make Ghana a better place? Running away to live in the USA does not help solve Ghana’s problems. And since you have become enlightened in the US as to how to live a “responsible life” what have you done to contribute to a better Ghana? Talk is cheap !!!!!

  7. Well said Sir. We need to change our whole mindset. I have always said thatveven if God descends and takes the place as the president of Gh, we would still blame him for our mistakes.

  8. All ghanaians can do is talk and take no action, unnecessary arguments and complaints. Gutters are choked after rain, who choked them? President mahama?. We ghanaians are not open to change and thats y we are still stagnant. We think like poor people and we act as such, always blaming leaders for our misfortune but if we are going to be a better ghana it will start from us the people. lets Go back and recite our national anthem and the pledge with meaning and we will know our responsibilities as citizens ghana. And for the leaders stop the corruption and treat our country as your own. Like you helped the country gain independence 57 years ago.God bless ghanaians with wisdom

  9. Although some of your points are valid, the language you use to describe the current situation and many of the arguments you made demote this article to an uproductive rant. Every Ghanaian knows the quote “God helps those who help themselves” and use God as a support system in their lives. The problem with Ghanaians is that the culture allows for people to be lackadaisical because they accept that that is how things are done. Not enough people challenge the status quo. There are not many avenues to implement change because the people are not willing to accept new ideas. Ghanaians are still so stuck on gender roles that there is a considerable gap between literate males (78%) and females (65%). Part of what makes Ghana so uproductive is also what makes it such a good place for tourists. The people although too relaxed to make substantial changes to the way the country works are some of the happiest people ever( or alteast the people I have met)

  10. The people who talk about how “stupid”Ghanaians are, are some of the same people ruining this country. Everyone can sit and point out something wrong with this country but very few do anything about it. When you see someone litter do you stop them? When you see police currution do you report it? Do you do anything? Most people don’t because they are too caught up in their own lives and their own problems. Kwame Nkruma could have sat at labadi and chewed kebab instead of doing what he did for his country. What this country needs is productive discussion and action rather than insults.

    • You just exemplified what the focus of this piece. The author says forget about Nkrumah, Rawlings, Kuffour and Mahama and just brighten the small corner that you occupy. If we all do that, there will be no need to sit down and complain all day.

  11. once again another pessimist talking garbage….. great of you to put words to paper and call everyone stupid including yourself. where are your ideas? have you submitted any plans to the government on how to deal with years of inadequate management and officials who are not prosecuted for misuse of their position. what is CHRAJ doing? And what do you mean Ghanaians are lazy? You must be the #1 LAZY GUY!
    If you can’t offer any ideas then keep it short!

    • No plans to submit. Clean our homes, neighborhoods, gutters and then roads before the rain comes. You need no book-long proposal for that.

    • Another guy who still fails to see the import of this piece. This is the very attitude the article seeks to discourage. You just exemplified the focus of this piece. The author says
      forget about Nkrumah, Rawlings, Kuffour and Mahama and just brighten the
      small corner that you occupy. If we all do that, the government will be the least of our problems.

  12. Fallacy of hasty generalization! What we need is good leadership. It’s not the people…. It’s the leaders. It’s great to sit in NY and throw garbage. Obviously, you were not one of the smart ones who could make a difference so you left to the Boston of the white man’s country . Ghanaians are not stupid nor lazy, they just need good leadership and guidance.

    • Were you not in NYC too? Ghanaians are lazy and spend too much time praying. You can also pray while u work. I have done that before.

  13. We all know what Ghana’s problems are especially those of us looking in from outside. It is easy to evangelise like this idiot is but where is he in getting immersed and making any sacrifices instead of spouting the obvious then going back to his comfortable life. Really what contribution is being made here other than what we all know. Talk is cheap….

  14. To the writer of this article, great job in defining the problem and laying the blame appropriately. What have you done as a responsible citizen or non-citizen of Ghana to help alleviate these issues. If you claim Ghanaians are born stupid (as implied by your statement “Ghanaians are by default lazy and stupid”) then you were born stupid and lazy yourself and your children were born very stupid and extremely lazy and your parents were born stupid and lazy and so were their parents. I beg to differ on that default laziness and stupidity argument !!! Other nations have learned and progress out of poverty and developed quickly ….. like Malaysia, China, the Koreas. Ghanaians on the other hand do not learn the right things, we copy blindly and are very wasteful of time, money, opportunities. And we have no self respect and self development. We have become stupid and lazy NOT born stupid and lazy.
    So back to my question…. tell us your contribution to a better Ghana. I bet a little positive contribution from you will go a long way to help make Ghana a better place. As the old adage goes…. little drops of water makes a mighty ocean

  15. I agree with the writer and I believe we all have a part to play. What I do not appreciate is people complaining when they themselves are at a safe distance. The writer I suppose is a Ghanaian who lives in the US, correct me if I am wrong. The writer seems to be the only Ghanaian with brains and common sense. People like that should be in the country and in their little way advocate for change. Living in someone else’s country and using your brains to develop that country is doing no good to Ghana. I believe in action rather than words, so please Mr Owusu Agyeman, as a critical thinker, I believe after identifying what the problem is with Ghana, you would come and help solve the problems. With all hands on deck, Ghana can become the sort of place we want it to be, but that would not happen if Ghana continues to suffer brain drain. All the brains like yourself have left Ghana, leaving the stupid ( using your own words), and what do you expect to happen. I must conclude that both brainy and stupid Ghanaians are equally part to the downfall of Ghana.

  16. After reading this article, I am still unaware of what the author intended by writing it. What I saw was a litany of problems he has identified of the Ghanaian people with no constructive ideas about how to remediate them.

    Identifying and calling out problems is very easy to do, and it is something that most people excel in. Offering construction solutions and actually implementing those solutions is much more difficult to do.

    Nothing written in this article is news. We are all very aware of the problems our country has. What we are lacking is solutions to these problems, both long term and short term. If the author has any to share, we are willing to learn from his wisdom. Otherwise the scorn he heaps on the country and its people serves no positive purpose.

  17. You could have used a better choice of words in order to make your argument stronger and get through to people, however your poor choice of words just makes you an amateur and immature writer.

    I do not know why you write in so much hate but let me enlighten you. Ghana faces some real challenges and while some people try to take advantage of that, some work really hard for a change and to make their lives and the life of others better.

    You cannot compare Ghana or any other African country with a European country or the US, because Ghana does not have the experience. A young nation, 58 years, Ghana has achieved a lot. Sure Ghana could have achieved more but circumstances did not allow her for that.

    Sitting in an office in a foreign country and writing does not make you an expert but rather an ignorant person.

    I really hope that in the future you will learn how to write critical articles in a correct manner and not writing with the mind and brain of a 13 year old kid.


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