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Ghanaian Movie Stars And the Movies That Shot Them to FAME–From the Perspective of Chris-Vincent

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There’s always that triggering factor, that single event that catapults a person to fame–even if there have been several attempts to achieve this.
However, it’s difficult to measure what shot a person to fame for everybody. And this is because we all do not catch up at the same time–some people join the party when it’s almost over.
Therefore, I wouldn’t be able to erect a sound argument that, the below movies shot the accompanying celebrities to fame for everybody but I believe my selections will sit well with a large number of people.
I’ve seen the contemporary Ghanaian movie industry grow from nothing. I vividly remember the humbling beginnings of folks like Lydia Forson, Yvonne Nelson, Christabel Ekeh, Roselyn Ngissah, John Dumelo and many others.
We launched GhanaCelebrities.Com almost a decade ago, at a time when Entertainment or Celebrity blogging was new to the Ghanaian landscape and we’ve followed events, the good and the bad–to where we are today.
For this reason, I am sure this goes beyond presenting the movies that shot these stars to fame just from my perspective, but from a perspective well grounded in facts–without forgetting the relevance of time.
Now, let’s look at the movies that shot our stars to fame–flip to the next pages for them!

This post was published on November 4, 2016 9:58 AM

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