In an interview with Prince Benjamin on Class Drive on Class91.3FM, Wanluv established his songs are not popular because he has refused to conform to the payola culture.
When the konkonsa hit maker was asked when his songs do not receive massive airplay, he said:
“Because I have never paid paid” adding the Konkonsa received airplay because he had just arrived from abroad as a new artiste.
“Kokonsa was a fluke and it was never even playlisted. Some few radio stations playlisted it and Kokonsa was just like me coming to Ghana, moving back from America, and so there was also the aura of me coming from America and so people were just playing it. But when they saw that I wasn’t coming to give them any dollars, they stopped.
I haven’t subscribed to the culture of payola be it on television or radio and it somehow means in the Ghanaian perspective I’m a bad business person because I do know if I took part in payola I will be successful. However, I don’t find it fair to artistes who may be better than me but cannot afford payola.
I get paid when my songs are played on the BBC or somewhere else in the world. On the radio in Germany, Hungary, Romania, wherever it is, they send me payments but Ghana does not have a royalty system yet…”