
Very Soon Fufu And Banku Sellers Will Join Them – Ghanaians React To Kenkey Sellers’ Decision To Stop Giving Free Pepper


Kenkey Sellers in Ghana have decided to embark on a “No more free pepper” campaign for their 1000s of customers across the country. Their decision is based on the high cost of pepper, tomatoes onions, and other items they use to make their different sauces. This decision by these women has caused panic among their … Read more

If Kyeiwaa Is Not Washing Dishes And 'Selling Kenkey' In The US; Then What Is She Doing?



A few days ago, we were feeding on Kumawood actress Rose Mensah otherwise known as Kyeiwaa on the back of a statement made by the host of Adom Tv’s Morning Show dubbed Badwam Nana Yaa Brefo said on the show.
According to the host who was having a one on one interview with Kumawood actor Papa Kumasi on the financial state of the Kumawood industry, Kyeiwaa sold kenkey and ‘washed dishes’ in the US to make a living and if indeed the industry was doing that well, she cannot fathom why the actress would resort to that.

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If Kyeiwaa Is Not Washing Dishes And ‘Selling Kenkey’ In The US; Then What Is She Doing?


A few days ago, we were feeding on Kumawood actress Rose Mensah otherwise known as Kyeiwaa on the back of a statement made by the host of Adom Tv’s Morning Show dubbed Badwam Nana Yaa Brefo said on the show.

According to the host who was having a one on one interview with Kumawood actor Papa Kumasi on the financial state of the Kumawood industry, Kyeiwaa sold kenkey and ‘washed dishes’ in the US to make a living and if indeed the industry was doing that well, she cannot fathom why the actress would resort to that.

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I Know What's Happening In The Ghanaian Movie Industry And Would Love To Produce A Ghanaian Movie – Boris Kodjoe


Boris Kodjoe

Ghanaian-German Hollywood Actor, Boris Kodjoe has been in Ghana for 3 days now with his family for a show he’ll be hosting.
The Actor, addressed the Press yesterday with his wife, Nicole Ari Parker, who is also a Hollywood actress and they spoke about their Ghanaian experience so far.

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PYPER PEBBLES WRITES: A Letter To The National Service Boss: Whoever He Is Must Be On Some Fermented Mashed Kenkey


National ServiceAm I the only who sees or think that the National Service Scheme is slavery and sheer exploitation of fresh graduates wearing the guise of service to the nation?. I mean “how did we cook it and it did not cook well”— I hope whoever that has the head seat on the National Service table sees this letter I decided to pen. It is a rather long letter but read to the very end dear reader!.
Dear NSS Boss,
Whoever you are , I hope you are happy with yourself and your conscience is as unremorseful as the brothel owner who sings songs of praises to thank the Lord for a lucrative night(come to think of it,do you even have a conscience). I don’t even understand how you are able to look yourself in the mirror knowing the discomfort and laden your office has imprinted in the hearts and on the backs of fresh graduates who are looking forward to hustle their way through the winding Ghanaian economy. As if being in and completing school wasn’t enough hurdle to jump over.

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