
Sandra Ankobiah REVEALED — Speaks On Why She Became A Lawyer, Leaving Showbiz Behind And The Good Works Of Her Foundation

Sandra Ankobiah, Esq

People who have had the opportunity to interact with Sandra Ankobiah will attest to her intelligence but for years, she has had to endure snide comments about her capabilities, especially as a lawyer and to a lesser extent as a presenter.

Somehow, Sandra takes the blame for how she is viewed in the public domain, telling Graphic Showbiz in a recent chat at the Afrikiko Restaurant, Accra, that the kind of image she portrayed some time ago is the reason why people underrate her.

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Giving Lawyer Sandra Ankobiah Her Due — The Sharp Brain All Too Often Obscured By A Beautiful Facade


Sandra Ankobiah, Esq

In a materially obsessed society like ours in which too much premium is placed on appearance ahead of everything else, it is easy to miss the celebrities truly deserving of our attention, adoration and endless admiration.
The old cliche is about a beauty with brains being the ideal woman but we live in a world where beauty has been elevated about near everything else, with the willing complicity of social media which has turned photo taking into an art form for even the most ordinary among us and elevated ‘likes’ above all else.

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