
Reminder Readers: What To Note About GhanaCelebrities.Com

Chris-Vincent,CEO/Founder Of GhanaCelebrities.Com
Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri

Dear Readers,

I believe there is  little more for certain folks to know about GhanaCelebrities.Com as we have been receiving several emails on same subject all the time.

Let’s be real folks. Not all photos on this site were taken by ourselves (unless otherwise noted), so we do not claim ownership of them in any way, shape, form, or fashion. We source when we can. We also put up photos of anyone that we feel like.

And we say whatever we damn well please. This is not  GTV, BBC, Oprah or CNN. So spare us all those emails. We do not claim to say all on here are factual info. It’s a gossip and entertainment website for Christ sake that is why we are the leading and biggest Ghanaian online entertainment focused media property.

When an info is deemed to be factual, we state it and when we have spoken to a celebrity in relation to a story, we do state too.

So take it how you wanna. You still got a problem? Find your cursor on that X in the top right corner of your screen.
Copyright Info

If you believe material on GhanaCelebrities.Com is infringing upon your copyright, please e-mail [email protected] with the following and the infringing material will be removed as soon as possible.
(a) your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
(b) a description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;
(c) the exact URL or a description of each place where alleged infringing material is located;
(d) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use has not been authorized by you, your agent, or the law;
(e) your electronic or physical signature or the electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on your behalf; and
(f) a statement by you made under penalty of perjury, that the information in your notice is accurate, that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf.

Please also note that you cannot sue us, we can sue people rather.

Signed: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri

CEO/ Founder of GhanaCelebrities.Com


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33 thoughts on “Reminder Readers: What To Note About GhanaCelebrities.Com”

  1. We Hear you PROF…Just Take your time and watch your Mouth on whatever u say. The BIGGEST Site in GHANA Now…Big UPS!!!!!

  2. This is why i always come here. Chris and your team are amazing. Ghana journalism is full of favouritism, corruption, bias and partiality. You see a journalist wont write the bad thing a celebrity is doing because they are friends or scared or want some favour. 

    You guys are on point and please do not change, say it as you see it without being bias. Proper journalism is one free from control, independent and that which says it as it sees it.  Dont let celebrities buy your mind and thoughts as they have bought some other writers in Ghana. If it is good, say it, if it is bad, say it and we will always be here to read. I love coming and my daughter does the same too. Geez!

  3. GHANACELEBRITIES.COM please i’m hungry 4more of these stories because i have more comment to write,keep up the good work i’m 100% behind you.

  4. u r sick individual , if u ve any manners and even if it a gossip site u shud know wht u put in there idiots , i pity ur parents , then u might as well tell ur moms and dads to suck my dick or u perhaps . stupid so there i say wht i pls muthafucker. grow up the reason u think u r on top is simple cos u ve the same retard idiots fellowin u and i believe there is not too much website in ghana or u ve already taken the name . . yeaa tht is it , if u can drop the name ghanaceleb im sure sensible person ll definately make good use of it and the wont be pee wees like u abowa!!!!!

  5. first of all I wanna say sam your mother, moron did your mother shit you or vomit you? stupid idiot if you had the brains then why don’t you get your own site and display your foolishness… your name even says it all sam (Stupid Ass Motherfuker)
    secondly big ups to you vincent for keeping the site running … peace

  6. sam or what ever u call ur self, u r the one who’s an idiot, what has there parent done to u, u have no manners, were u not brought up properly? how dear u say that? if u don’t respect ur own parent, try n respect others b-cus they are all not like ur’s. go n learn some manners b4 coming back on this site again, u stupid boy. like they said if u don’t like this site, then find the x on the top right side of ur screen. U GO GHANACELEBRETIES, DO WHAT U DO BEST LOVE U ALL X X X X X .

  7. Well said Chris .. You talk deep with humor . Don’t let any celeb by your intellect with money . Write it as it is and don’t be bias. Keep it as you are doing. This I’d what makes this site diff from other Ghana sites. If you don’t like the site, find the X with your

  8. Chris your english is very poor, take some classes dear. I’m pretty sure you’re treading on a very thin ice, someone is about to smack you with a litigation soon. I agree with the above comment you need your head examined Mr.

    • AHAAA this guy paaa ,chris english is bad ,i cant stop laughing ,but english is not our mother tongue ,any way what you know about english language? if you know english go and teach your mother and your father an essay ,aboa ba

  9. I dont know why haters still come around if they say they dont like this site. I have read a comment by this same Drockla on the site saying he/she wont be here again and all that. Now she/he is here saying someone’s english is poor. I have read what is written and there is nothing wrong with the english or grammatic construction. Drockla, maybe your understanding of english is poor, you take some classes.

    Chris and your team, do not mind people like Drockla, they are haters. Someone going to sue, why dont you sue if you are a real man or woman? why do you wish for someone to sue someone? so many ghanaian idiots now have computers so they get the chance to come to sites like this and write shit

  10. damed anyone who sees this site to be a infringing on his rights.chris i know will not pay attention to these shits

  11. It is when I started coming to this site that I realized how stupid and shallow some Ghanaians are out there.

    If you hate this site, how they write or whatever they do on here, by come here everday to say the owners are stupid and all that? Why don’t  you stop coming here and save your time from reading all the gibberish you think they put on here?

    Some of the comments on this site are hilarious and others are just pour jealousy towards the writers/bloggers on the site.

    It is their work and as Chris stated, they do what they please so you can also please yourself by not coming here or close the site if you have opened it now. Ebi By Force?

    Did they force any of you guys to logon here? This is so stupid. All the haters should get lost. If you think the owners are stupid and you keep coming here then you are the most stupid of all.

    If i buy something from a place and it is bad, why will I go to that place again? Some Ghanaians will never learn. 

    • you koraa where you from ,if you are from naija then am sure something is wrong with your head ,how can you diss ghanains ,what wrong with your head ,you lucky say you sound a bit sense ,any way mind your words..

    • well chris good job ,for what you’ve been doing so far you keep ghanains on top… .well chris did you said no one can sue you but u can ahaa i hope you are joking…chris kudos for the hard work you are doing for ghanains as a whole ,chris you must bear it in miNd that even Jesus GOT an enemies ,and you know ghanains number one enemies {the super chickens} ,thye have try to let this site fall but no avail .God bless ghanna ,God bless us all

  12. Like Chris said “what to note about” so all you GREMLINS grab a pen, paper and write it down before you send your reckless life anger to the blogger.

    I think those folks logic are missing because anybody with common sense will know is an entertainment site.  

  13. how can be so full of your self like that? remember pride has caused the downfall of many many great people. and why would anyone whose copyright you have infringed bother going through that tall list of yours? he will just go ahead and sue you! By the way, I sometimes think you put out some of these stories intentionally so that you can sit back and enjoy people lashing out at each other! lol!

    • Give me a break, you must really be living in the cave… will people like you stop talking about sue since it is obvious that you are ignorant in most thing relating to that. If you care to know, that is not my list, it is a DMCA protocol copyright removal requirement on website ( It is what the law says a person claiming copyright infringement has to do before he or she even come to the court).

      Educate yourself and if you know nothing about “something”, just step away, I think you can hide your ignorance that way. Better than saying “someone is full of himself” when in fact, you are thinking that because you are full of nothing on the subject matter.

      • if you know what u are abt u will know that you will shut up and let whoever intends to sue go ahead and meet the snag you are taliking abt. whoever gave u that idea that you cannot be sued has not done you any good. as they say in Akan, keep going the way you are and u will surely meet your end. why shd i forewarn u of a suit when u shd have done ur homework before posting anything. as for that law u claim u are studying, i pity those you will release ur pride and incompetence on. oh and i don’t blame you, gone are the days when law was the preserve of the intellectually gifted; now any nincompoop with money can study it or claim to be studying it!

        • Thanks for visiting and having the opportunity to say your mind too. That is the beauty of GC and Democracy!


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