Love & Relationship

For Better For Worse…Yes! BUT Not When Your Face is Being Disfigured!

black woman


Imagine going out with a guy that beats you and you still have the mind to marry that kind of man.  When the beatings get worse after marriage and you tell them to take a breather from all the beatings – then you become anti-bible because you’re trying to put asunder what God has put together (how they know God put them together is what beats my imagination).

No man/woman has the right to hit or abuse you even if you’re a loud mouth – after all, he/she knew you’re a loud mouth before committing to them. Many people keep silent because they married for better for worse – but not when your face is being disfigured and one foot in the grave.

Someone asked me if I’m going to pack out of my matrimonial home every time my husband slaps me because another woman will pack in if I leave and I should remember God hates divorce….And why would/should I wait for a second slap – the first one may not even land on my face! Won’t mosquito land on his ‘balls’ again? Since I don’t want him to get malaria, I’ll lovingly kill the mosquito for him. Some women are very annoying – I won’t deny that. The best way to deal with a woman with ‘mouth tantrum’ is to walk away when she’s ranting. It’s a more dignifying approach than silencing her with your fist – or belt.

If a victim of domestic violence did not ‘see’ the ‘side’ of a spouse (the person may be a beast hidden under a ‘nice’ person) you can pardon them to believe it’s a one-off (which might not be the case) but I won’t even feign sympathy if the victim was/is aware of the abusive nature of a partner before marriage. I just don’t know why women (especially) believe they can endure domestic violence by prayer. We don’t pray to win, we play to win. Avoid a praying situation by playing a wise woman and avoid abusive men.

Don’t stay in abusive relationships hoping things will change. There are some people you can never place your ‘hope’ in them – it’s like waiting patiently for a left-handed person to be right-handed. It’s never going to happen. The sad reason some women actually stay is because another will take their place when they pack out. Why not relinquish the beating to someone else? If not for anything, do it for your children.

Get out of such terrible situations before it’s too late. Don’t go all religious and be quoting bible front, back and centre. When you get out of abusive situations, the worse that could happen is you won’t sit at the right hand side of God but then Jesus Christ has already taken that position so you’re ‘chopping beating for free’. Don’t let any pastor talk you into staying in abusive marriages – your face will only end up being disfigured and you’ll end up an emotional wreck.

Don’t use one biblical edict to stay in bad relationships. Those who leave eventually testify of a better story. The perpetual victims stay hurt or die telling themselves God hates divorce. If you want to restructure your face, let a plastic surgeon do that job for you.

Nothing annoys me more when the perpetrator is a BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND. Why hang on to someone who is abusive and manipulative in nature? Because of transport fare, trips, rent and shopping – you’ll allow yourself to be beaten? Not even to donate their kidney to keep you alive? If you see any signs of abuse in whatever shape or form, RUN FOR YOUR DEAR LIFE!

It’s never worth it – not even for all the fake love in this world!


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5 thoughts on “For Better For Worse…Yes! BUT Not When Your Face is Being Disfigured!”

    • That’s it. Run run and never look back. A woman who rely on boyfriends to feed her will stay even if you’re killing her. It’s very true some men come all nice but women are also pretenders. If you’re scared another woman will take your place when you leave, have you ever seen a ghost taking care of children. Women should learn how to spot abusers when dating because abuse starts verbally before it get physical

  1. Another serious issue which society has turned a blind eye to. Report abuse in Africa and the police will say it’s a domestic issue. Bible say bible say and people are dying. I think I will adopt the writer’s code of self defence – kill any mosquito which lands on his balls….lol

  2. Am religious but even I won’t even use the Bible to hide some things. The same Bible says if your right hand is causing you to sin then cut it off. We won’t take marriage to Heaven so you better enjoy the one on Earth. No way would I stay with a man who is a serial cheater or a woman beater. There’s far more better men out there and better things in life than to endure a black eye or swollen lip. It’s not that deep for me to stay

  3. That’s why I dropped mine like it’s hot, and now he’s running after me like Moren Green, sending apologies and expensive gift..but it will rekindle in a another world not this one.

    If he hit you once, he’s going to hit you again! So it’s up to you to accept slaps and kicking or to run for your life.


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