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Explaining Libertarianism To Dummies: Manasseh Azure Awuni’s Gay Marriage Faux Pas

Gay Rights
Gay Rights

We constantly decry the ignorance, bigotry, and backwards mentality of our countrymen on this site, and for good reason. There is scarcely a nation on this globe so actively dedicated to remaining in a time long gone.

This mentality is often fuelled by our irrational superstitions and a dogmatic approach to the white man’s religion. This mentality often manifests in a bigoted approach to dealing with perceived deviants; persecuting ‘witches’, lynching homosexuals; and the most common, giving our money to ‘pastors’.

This mentality has manifested tenfold in our reaction to the US Supreme Court ruling legalising gay marriage across the country. Quietly sitting in our third world country, we’ve all turned into armchair pundits, armed with our 2,000 year old Holy Book and pronouncing impending Armageddon.

Manasseh Azure Awuni is widely regarded as one of the best journalists in Ghana right now; which I would concede is probably a fair assessment. He is also one of those bible thumping, 1st century bigots this country is overrun with, as a Facebook post of his this afternoon showed.

Manasseh put forward a very shallow, close minded riposte to the Ghanaians who are describing those opposing the judgement as backwards. In a post he probably thinks puts forward a cogent argument against both homosexuals and his perceived Ghanaian opponents, he did nothing but prove himself as being one of the close minded individuals LGBT opponents often are.

No doubt it is a populist post, with most Ghanaians having that same mindset. But the arguments put forth are so shallow minded it beggars belief that a supposed top journalist in the country would confidently display them as his views on the issues. But in the land of the blind…

“I don’t care so much about what America says about gay marriages. It is their country and their laws. It is their pampers-wearing men and their rotten asses.

“What I cannot stand the impression created by some of our kith and kin here that those of us who don’t support this madness are backward. There can be “good reason” for anything, including armed robbery, but does that mean it is right? And those who keep asking about the definition of right and wrong should realise that even animals know better. And any human being who thinks there is nothing like right or wrong is worse than a beast” Manasseh wrote

Azure's comment
Azure’s comment

This was the well thought out, cogent argument of Manasseh Awuni. He called homosexuality, or support of it, ‘madness’, claims animals ‘know better’, said any human who thinks there’s nothing like right and wrong is worse than a beast.

The first two claims are practically the same, and both are empirically wrong. Manasseh is a Christian, so I doubt he places much stock in the power of empirical evidence, after all he’s a man of faith.

What is right or wrong, however, is a philosophical argument far above the pay grade of both Manasseh and myself. Christians think they know it, Muslims think they also do; but the truth is in all cases it is men and their interpretation of it that reigns during any period of history.

Homosexuality is far from madness, and supporting equal rights for fellow human beings is a noble cause. Mankind has fought for the equality of blacks, women, several other oppressed minorities throughout history; yet some of us who were once oppressed cannot see the forest for the trees in this case because of our own warped thinking; the product of our religious upbringing.

READ ALSO: MUST READ: ‘The Irony of the Oppressed Also Being the Oppressor’ | Black People Must RE-THINK! 

He ignorantly proclaims that ‘even’ animals know better, not knowing approximately 10% of all species engage in homosexual behaviour. It also smacks of the double standard most religious people dabble in, complaining that we’re higher beings and ‘God’s chosen’ when scientists proclaim that we’re nothing but evolved primates; but then claiming we should emulate the same heterosexual practices they think all animals engage in.

As for the religious objections to the practice, I’ll repeat the same trumpet I’ve been blowing since this issue broke. I find ISIS abhorrent, but at least I can respect the fact they’re willing to stand by their interpretations of their scriptures. Adultery, homosexuality, and apostasy are capital crimes under Sharia, and they gleefully carry them out.

But Christians would lead the biggest hypocritical lives they can, then fly into outrage when an issue they think contradicts their values pops up. Most Christians today fornicate, lie, cheat, and flout the laws of the bible willy-nilly, 24/7. However when convenient, they whip out that same bible to support the claim they want us to feel is morally right/wrong in the moment.

Leviticus 20:13 proscribes the death penalty for homosexuality. Adultery is also a capital crime, whilst eating of shell fish and cutting one’s hair are all prohibited in the bible. Nobody carries out these practices, yet the bible Christians spend most of their lives ignoring this, which is supposed to guide the lives of everyone else in a situation Christians feel is immoral.

You can try to make a good sociological argument against gay marriage and its potential effects on the future of the human race, and then maybe you would be listened to (probably not, none of those hold); but immediately you bring religion into the equation you open yourself up to charges of hypocrisy and double standards that there is no way you can stand up to.

We have lived in times past when religion held the most power, and that was some of the worst parts of human history. Most states are secular now, for good reasons, and fighting for equal rights for all its citizens.

For some reason a portion have decided an imaginary higher being loves all of us yet hates a part of his own creation enough that he would destroy the world due to their actions. I say if God did not destroy the world over the inquisition, the crusades, and the slave trade; a few men and women getting married would be pretty inconsequential to him.

Manasseh Azure
Manasseh Azure

Manasseh’s post riled me a little more than it should have, but for a supposed educated journalist to pass comments indistinguishable from that of the average uneducated Ghanaian in relation to this issue is beyond pardon. You can make arguments against homosexuality all you want, but the arguments he made are laughable, and hold no water when held up to empirical scientific scrutiny.

Sometimes it’s difficult to have a conversation with people when they have no grasp of the fundamentals—and I believe this is what led the 2011 Ghana’s Best Journalist-Manasseh Azure Awuni to make the above comment.

Of course subject ignorance can catch up with everyone, especially if the person lacks the basic understanding. At best, persons who have no clear understanding of the arguments surrounding a case should not comment, especially if their comments excavate the gutter of bigotry.

From the above comment, Manasseh Azure Awuni relegates the issue of Gay Rights to ordinary Right or Wrong—whether he was talking about legal right/wrong or moral right/wrong, he completely misses the point. We have inherent rights, the perfect box in which a person’s right not to be discriminated against falls.

Certain things are fundamentally wrong and irrespective of  where you place these things, either in the morality or legality box, they are wrong—and a typical example is; the raping of a baby.

In the context of this conversation, any progressive discrimination, obvious discrimination and conscious discrimination against another human being  because of a protected characteristic should be considered both legally and morally wrong. You can never reasonably justify why you raped a baby—and you should not also be allowed to justify why we should discriminate against a person by virtue of race, sex, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

As someone sarcastically wrote on Facebook; “until we criminalise Adultery and Fornication, heterosexuals and bigots won’t get the point!.”

Even if we want to consider Manasseh Azure Awuni’s lame argument of “what is wrong or right” (of course we all know what he means here), then surely, adultery, fornication, gossiping and several others are equally wrong under whatever religious umbrella or moral landscape.

What is strikingly ignorant and pathetic is the fact that, Manasseh Azure Awuni said animals even know better—perhaps, he is not privy to the fact that “gay animal behaviour has been spotted in 1,500 different species, and reliably recorded in a third of these cases” by scientists. Lots of animals engage in homosexual behaviour and I think I should help him with this resource.

But then again, irrespective of your education, religion is enough of a problem to stand as a bulwark against your critical thinking.


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56 thoughts on “Explaining Libertarianism To Dummies: Manasseh Azure Awuni’s Gay Marriage Faux Pas”

  1. OMG! The two of you came together to produce this? No wonder it’s epic. You have killed the so called Ghana’s best journalist. So the best journalist in Ghana thinks this way. No wonder Ghana is in s**t. What a joke of people holding titles.

  2. Chris and Nii, if it was possible, I would have married both of you. Two intelligent young men who have made this guy (how did he win best journalist) look like a school boy.

    I am a proud a lesbian, not a sinner and even if I am a sinner for my sexual orientation sake, I am no more a sinner than the woman who is sleeping with a man not married to her, the one who has a tattoo and the others.

    I am shocked a man tagged best journalist will think so but I am glad people like you two are out there to trash his argument.

    Chris, anytime I am back in london free kenkey house for you my dear

  3. Opinions are like a*holes . Everyone has one. Even nobodies like this Awuni guy. The sanctimonious screed only betrays his ignorance of the world he lives in. A simple simon not used to the complexities of animals. He’s a just a one-dimensional man who is unwilling to listen facts that debunks his preconceived twaddle.

      • Yup! Absolutely! But I am on the winning side. And you and your lot are the losers. Like the dinosaurs you will be extinct while the ideas that nobodies like me espoused will triumph and becomes mainstream. Which makes me a winner. A nobody yes but a winner. You on the other hand are a loser. A nobody and a loser. Your legacy will be like the fart in the wind. Just like the rest of the “flatearthers” of the past.

        • Dats wat u think but wait n see cos he who lafs last lafs longest,dude.Just keep on acting cute,boy.? And did he call only me a nobody?when we would all die someday?Thot u were more wiser,Huh.

          • Laughing longest from where? Hell? Do you think you are going to heaven? You are delusional. You and your lot are heading to the fiery hell you constructed for others.
            And yes I called you a nobody. A nobody with loser ideas. Like a fart in the wind your stay on this planet will be forgotten. Just like the other losers in history.
            Death is a necessary end and it would come for us all. What is left behind is the ideas we espoused. Ideas is what stays long after we are gone.
            The abolitionists were nobodies and although today we don’t know their names we know their deeds. They were on the right side of history for their works to abolish slavery. They are therefore winners. Those who fought to keep slavery are the losers. Just like you are a loser and will continue to be in the future.

          • You will get no argument from me on that point. It would have saved me lots of aggravation from dealing with you and your ilk. If I didn’t exist then I wouldn’t have to deal repulsive toads and ignorant prudes such as you and your band of intolerable galluts. And existence without you and you ignorant brethren would be near to heaven as one can wish for.

    • And I would soon be sending u some boxes of diapers to use’as u wud need dem when ur anal sphincters give up n ur butt starts dripping afraid dos lewd acts of hrs.So gorgeous!!!!!

    • Is that your face above? Sorry but i think you need a milk from scratch. Wenim y3 hon papa no wonder you’re a f…a….g. Remain like this because no girl would love to be with ya.

      • Another ignorant twat! Where did you see my face? You are low grade c*nt! You cant read right? The face above is from your twat!. He’s on your side.
        PS. I am straight. You, however, are an ugly and wretched c*nt.

  4. i believe Chris and Nii are f*kking each other…am patiently waiting for d wedding invitation..not in Gh dough sum where in bronx.lool

  5. This is bullsh*t!! yes God is against homosexuality it is in the bible and coran they have the right to do what they want as far as they don’t force others people to accept their life style,why exposing your sexual life to the world with movement such as gay pride n*ked people everywhere very immoral behavior people kissing and fucking everywhere,they dress and behave as if they were out to act in giant X movie tell me what kind of love is this? once you exposes your life to others people it’s no more a private affair but a public one ok? And secondly blaming religions is unfair,as far as gay people who knows churches are against their union,are forcing pastors to marry them if you refuse in countries such as Canada you will be jailed,is it normal.They want us to leave them alone and they’re not leaving us alone why should we be one to abide by theirs laws? do you think it’s normal?We can blame for their marriage as far as they force us to support us,how many businesses have collapse just because they refused to bake a cake,or make dresses and suits for a gay marriage?is this your vision of libertarianism Chris? You want want freedom and you won’t let people be,did we forced anyone to read bible or follow Jesus did we? so why do you wan to force us to follow a movement that contrary to our belief? why?????????

  6. And Chris you call yourself smart and you brag being intelligent but you fail to know that Libertarianism is an political opinion and it’s people freedom to abide by it or not libatarianism is not the infuse science,so why should you call us dummies for not supporting your idea? you are calling us intolerant and dangers for freedom and you write and article that back lash at anyone who doesn’t believe in libertarianism?between you and us you is being intolerant and anti democratic?who is trying to silence others persons opinions?are we now no more entitled to our own decisions when it comes to your so call libertarian ideas? are we in a dictature ? you people are just intolerant to truth it kills you to see we’re not debauchees.

  7. There is no point in getting to an intelligent conversation with you for the fact that you asked; did we force anyone to read the bible or fellow Jesus.

    If you don’t even know about the christian crusade, I doubt you understand Libertarianism or this article. So have found if your ideas and comments. 🙂

    • Chris you see,you’re one being ignorant and you just showed it Crusade was initiated by the catholic church who is not the represent of all christian ok? do i have to remember your how many christian denomination you can find in this world.And moreover the Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Latin Roman Catholic Church during the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages. In 1095, Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to holy places in and near Jerusalem.So you see how ignorant you’re they were out to take back the holy christians land not to force anybody to christianity,this was war between the catholic church and the muslim to control holy places not convert people.As a matter of fact people at this time could not read the bible this was the clergy privilege,so stop talking anyhow!!!
      And when i ask a question about are we forcing anybody? i’m talking about nowaday? and as a matter fact i’m not catholic so your argument is zero,and it’s pathetic you seek refugee behind this phrase,to not talk to me. The only thing you can remember is the forcing thing what about all the rest of my speech? Why don’t you answer on the gay pride being against private life principle?or christians being forced to celebrate gay marriages in theirs churches i asked you if libertarianism was forcing people to do what they don’t want in the name of tolerance what is a total nonsense;you’re so disappointing only good in bragging with small knowledge,you don’t even understand Christianity or crusades and you want to talk.PATHETIC;i’m not those blinded persons you can deceive you’re far from being a genius. And please i don’t need someone who runs a gossip blog to give me a lesson about libertarianism,this will be a total lack of taste.

      • Crusades were about conquest and conversion by force. If you don’t convert you die. So were the Spanish inquisitions. Christianity as done its fair bit of forced conversions. Go get a book and read it before you talk about forced conversions. You want a modern example, try the indigenous people of Canada whose kids were forcefully removed from their homes and made to live with Christian families. I won’t even get into what the conquistadors did in south America. Or what happened to the aborigines in Australia.
        About Christianity forcing people, yes Christians have had a free reign in the west since they started forming states. Meaning Christian principles have been used to force people to do what Christians want. if you don’t abide by that you get burned at the stake or get killed. You and your lot have been forcing people till now. Because of Christians many people have endured harsh policies on drugs, on pornography, on books, on alcohol and even on holidays. Christianity still influences people lives in todays world. I am forced to see and say merry Christmas in December or happy easter. Who do you think instituted that? I could go on and on about thing Christianity forces us to do in our world but those are few examples.
        When gay people parade their love are they forcing you to participate? Can a gay person force you to become gay? If you see two men kissing do you automatically want to kiss a man? I don’t because I am not gay. If you feel like kissing a man then perhaps you are gay. No gay person ever force a straight person to be gay. And no amount of display by them will turn a straight person gay. But Christians have been able force people to first keep their gayness hidden, then deny them their rights. So don’t come on here and pretend Christians are not forcing people to do what they want. It’s been happening since Constantine’s days till now. Go to Ghana and see the power of the corrupt Christian council of churches at work. They have the power to prevent certain books and movies from entering Ghana. And it is the same in America, UK and the other western states. Who do you think the gays and the pro-abortion people have been fighting against all this while? Answer – The religious people – Christians to be precise. LOL, Christians don’t force themselves on others? Don’t make me laugh.

        • My dear you’re the one who need to go back to school and learn the crusade were about to control the holy places like Jerusalem this was a war between muslim and christians,the point of was not convert people but to take back what each side consider as sacred,so learn to read and understand before talking.

          And secondly learn to make the difference between a person who pretends to be a christian and the one who is a real christian;what the catholic church did in south America and others place is in total contradiction with Jesus Christ message,everybody knows that at this time the clergy was serving the Vatican interest and not God and Jesus cause,all theirs actions were absolutely anti biblical and this why priest like Luther left to create movement like protestantism.Before accusing Christianity check if the persons you have in front of you is acting accordingly to what the bible says and if yes then you an blame christianity but hey i’m sorry Jesus never anyone to crusade,or force to the bible down to throat of people he said go and spread the gospel not go kill, steal everything from helpless people check the bible and see how the first christians were behaving,and you will see that you’re judging christianity troughs the bad example sorry for you.

          And secondly where on my post did i mention that gay people were trying to make us gay even if i know some of gay activist said so,yes they said so,therefore you argument is zero,i said they were trying to force us to accept theirs life style what is the pure truth,the church and the state are now separated because the state didn’t want the church to invade inside theirs business?You accused christians liberty restrictions and you’re doing the same thing what kind of nonsense is this? at least christians are following theirs faith but you people are beings unfaithful to your own doctrine of libertarianism by stepping on christians liberty to not accept homosexual unions in theirs churches,so the ones who should be ashamed are you not us, your own doctrine is a total failure.

          And if you have studied anthropology you will see that each society is build around is spiritual belief in China it’s boudism,in India Hinduism, morocco islam this have always been like this so don’t blame it on christianity this is a general thing,but i guest who are too busy hating on christianity to figure it out.
          And let me tell you that no matter the belief whether boudism or Hinduism homosexuality is not accepted,it’s not only christians even in traditional african’s religions it is not accepted.
          We christians we are even tolerant with homosexuals go and see how they are treated in muslim countries.

          And as christians we will never support gayism because it’s bad have you ever been to a gay pride? how can you call that love? n*ked people everywhere,kissing and having s*x in front of people,is this what you call love and freedom? people cannot talk freely about Jesus but should allow others to play sodome and Gomorrah in the streets? are you crazy?what next will you allow pedophiles,necrophiliacs,zoophils to get married all in the name of freedom?this libertarianism will lead you to doom,because there is no limit to it and no limit means dangers.
          So my dear shut up your mouth and think again.

        • And please stop being childish if you don’t want to say merry Christmas don’t said it,who is forcing you? saying merry means nothing it doesn’t even mean,you believe in God or Jesus,you’re just wishing something to someone who believe in it period!!so stop making drama about it this is ridiculous even musilm who don’t party at Christmas and don’t believe in Jesus wishes us marry Christmas so please stop it you’re talking nonsense;since the beginning you and your friend Chris have failed to answer my christians about libertarianism the only thing you see is “the christian forcing” thing that you use out of context,you people are really funny.

    • Libertarianism (or ” libertarianism ” ) is a philosophy aimed at maximizing individual freedom, that it is conceived as a natural law or as the result of the principle of non-aggression . Therefore, his supporters , libertarians oppose statism as a system based on coercion , in favor of a free and voluntary cooperation between individuals.
      So you see i don’t need you to explain to me and now tell me; view the meaning of libertarianism do you think is normal to pressure christians to let same sex marriage happen in theirs churches?when you know it’s against their beliefs,and against their wills and do you think that according to same it’s right to insult those who are against same sex marriage?is it not a total violation of the libertarianism doctrine?
      You guys think you’re smart,not everybody is ignorant on this your blog.

  8. I understand the arguments but I think most advocates forget that there is no scientific explanation for how homosexuality comes about. All the studies I have seen show correlation between homosexuals and a certain part of the brain which seems to be activated. If my university education did me any good, correlation does not show cause, so we cannot say homosexuals are like that because a certain part of their brain says so. Its called correlation.
    That being said apart from boys in ghana lured by money by gay foreigners, male boys raped by male adults, males who grew up in the West and adopted this lifestyle choice, men who abuse steroids and therefore experience low testosterone levels thereby developing female tendencies, genetic influences and rich people who have found it an alternative lifestyle, someone should please tell me who is genuinely gay?
    I think this agenda being promoted is basically stupid. Are we going to start making arguments for people who want to marry and mate with animals too? Not all traditions are archaic, we used to have forbidden groves which were categorised as sacred and this kept our forests safe. We are now complaining about global warming because the number of forests have reduced drastically. This is because we refused to obey simple natural laws.
    I dont put homesexuality above any sin or offence, I believe its as devilish as embezzlement, stealing, lying (purgery), adultery, rape and so on. I dont agree with laws which seek to prosecute homosexuals because how are you going to detect one? I am against killing any individual for whatever reason so killing a homosexual is as evil as homosexuality. However I believe homosexuality is a disorder and it was a disorder in the earlier editions of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) until recently it was removed. I think it is abnormal and any attempt to legalise this must be resisted.
    Finally I think the LGBT community in itself fails with the ‘B’ part of the word. If a human being can be bisexual, how isnt that a choice? The argument to defend homosexuality has been that its not a lifestyle choice but something you are born with. If it isnt a choice, how do you wake up one day a heterosexual and the next minute a homosexual, isnt that a clear choice? Evidence of homosexuality in the Roman empire for instance was a preserve of the elite in the society, the generals, emperors and so on. If you want to be gay its between you and God but dont force this disorder down our throats. As for the transexuals, the least said about them the better. I think its extremely hypocritical for America to condemn Rachel Dozelel as a crazy woman because she decided to be black and act black even though she was born white. They say that isnt being transracial but if being transracial is crazy which i agree with, why isnt being transexual a clear case of confusion of identity?
    If America wants to legalise it thats fine but we here will resist it with all our might because even though the West stole our identity as people they cant steal are gumptions. If it is legal there then please go and get your bi-polar, schizophrenic and relatives with psychological challenges to the Supreme Court to legalise their disorders as well. Im sure that will create the peaceful world we all want.

    • There is an L, a G, a B and a T. If Bi-s*xual was the same as being gay or lesbian, they would have omitted the L and the G. LGBT shows the spectrum of human sexual orientation. Hence the rainbow.

      I am not surprised you chose to focus on the bi-s*xual. You did so, so you can claim it as a proof that gayness is a choice. Which is hogwash. Please do tell us when you chose to be straight.

      Comparing pederasty with gay or lesbianism is nonsense. Pederasty is about the taste of the powerful. And those men didn’t consider themselves gay. They had wives and slept with women. They were often married men. The boys they slept with also went on to marry women and took on other boys. They never considered themselves as gay. That is the difference.

      Some heterosexuals like anal s*x and don’t consider themselves gay. What should we do with them? Do you consider fellatio and cunnilingus as deviant behaviour? What about hermaphrodites? What should we do with them?

      A clever mind will look at all this and admit that human sexuality is complex. A less intelligent mind will chuck it to deviancy. A clever mind will look at nature to see if such s*xual orientations exists in other life forms before drawing their conclusions. An absolutist mind will just ran and hide behind the bible.

      On transsexuals, it also occurs in nature. Some creatures like groupers can switch their s*x. It is not by choice. It is dictated by the conditions in the environment.

      The only thing similar with Rachel Dozelel case is the level of ignorance and the intolerance brought forth by people who feel they are entitled to say who has the right to exist and who doesn’t.

      Resist with all your might, no one really cares. The gay people will continue to exist and live their lives oblivious to you and your gang. It is you who may lose out on an opportunity to know a another fellow human being. Gayness has been with us and will continue to exist long after you cease to exist on this planet.

  9. Even an*l s*x(whether homo or heterosexual) used to be a paraphilia and I agree that it is but since anal sex became so fashionable because its deemed adventurous every Tom,Dick and Harry wants to do it, even though it is abnormal behaviour. Anal sex destroys the spinchter muscles of the anus and so instead of your anus lasting its lifespan which is the number of years you live, it lasts for half or less. You are supposed to wear adult diapers in your 80’s or 90’s depending on how well you took care of your body. If you start wearing it in your 30’s or 40’s, then sense should tell you there is a problem! Humans are getting less sensible as we evolve and its simply because people are refusing to reason. We must be careful what we imbibe because if there is any race who should know about the world they live in better than anyone, it is the black man afterall archaeological finding have shown the first man who walked the face of the earth, it was a black man.

  10. Even an*l s*x(whether homo or heterosexual) used to be a paraphilia and I
    agree that it is but since anal s*x became so fashionable because its
    deemed adventurous every Tom,Dick and Harry wants to do it, even though
    it is abnormal behaviour. Anal sex destroys the spinchter muscles of the
    anus and so instead of your anus lasting its lifespan which is the
    number of years you live, it lasts for half or less. You are supposed to
    wear adult diapers in your 80’s or 90’s depending on how well you took
    care of your body. If you start wearing it in your 30’s or 40’s, then
    sense should tell you there is a problem! Humans are getting less
    sensible as we evolve and its simply because people are refusing to
    reason. We must be careful what we imbibe because if there is any race
    who should know about the world they live in better than anyone, it is
    the black man afterall archaeological finding have shown the first man
    who walked the face of the earth, it was a black man. There are so many things I consider to be show diversity in humans but this is abnormal!

  11. Don’t lose time with him when a human being is not afraid of God there is nothing wise he can understand only death can put sense in his mind.

  12. If a lose sphincter is your only problem in your 30s then you are the lucky one. Cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, accidents etc are the real killers for people in the their 30s. There are a lot more threats and dangers to you and you well beng than someone’s lose sphincter muscle.

    • hahahahah at least people who die from cancer and others things are not calling for it but you’re destroying your body on a purpose you know your gay activities are destroying your body and you don’t want to stop,it’s just like smoking cigarette,or doing drugs.And you think losing sphincter muscle is a small thing? hahahahahahah don’t you know that this can kill someone?PATHETIC

      • And by the way where is the response i gave to you for the other comment? is your friend Chris blocking others people comments now this is anti libertarianism? hahahahah so funny

        Your friends manassehatsu said he were forced to said Merry Christmas i didn’t know you could go to jail for not saying merry christmas.RIDICULOUS.

      • They are not calling for it but it happens to them all the same. A proof that gay people are not the only ones having unpleasant lives in your world. By the way the adult heterosexuals also have problems with their sphincters more so than with gay people. Perhaps you want to buy them diapers too? I understand why Chris didn’t want to get into it with you. You are a joke.

  13. Let chris know dat his type was mentioned in da bible way before he was born.. His type of not believing in da word of God.. if there is no God der is no satan.. If there r no spirit we wldnt have da welord evil n good..Chris is like Saul..people wld follow n die blindly while he wld be saved…n be come Paul. . Now chris don’t u sit in front of ur laptop n type nonsense..

  14. U detest da bible yet it is the only book written wif so many true facts wif some of da future predictions happening right now in ur tym of life..n one funny thing is u r called CHRIS..God is wonderful dat he knows da stars even ur so called scientist equate dem to da sand at seashore by their names..n even dat grey n black hair u have which he created..he knows da number..including da ones dat can’t grow in ur bald areas…he knows dey r striving to grow yet he has a name for them

  15. Chris,
    I have followed your articles on homosexuality and I admire your passion but having passion for a cause does not necessarily mean you are right or correct.
    What was regarded as a sin years ago does not become right because of time.

    Paedophiles claim they perform their disgusting acts out of love …. Using your argument, I guess it’s only a question of time before we become tolerant and see these acts in a different light.
    Adultery & homosexuality etc are all wrong and time or civilisation will never change it.
    I do not support the lynching of gays etc but I will never agree with it.

    • I don’t think anyone is asking you to agree with—but to allow their freedoms. My cousin is a vegetarian and she does not agree with me eating meat, but she does not interfere in my right to eat meat.

      We all do not agree with certain things in this world; I do not agree with religion but I will never ask that it’s criminalized or a person’s right to religion which ironically grants me also, the right not to hold religion, should be taken away—no matter how diabolical I regard religion.

      • Chris I dnt get u..has this gay thing been legalised in ghana for u n Atsu to be soon concerned??? Go find dis article where a church member asked TD JAKES about his view on da legalisation of same sex ..His response was marvellous

  16. Clearly you did not read carefully, I never said I wont want to know someone who is gay. My policy is I am against homosexuality get it straight! I know someone who practices homosexuality from school. He was a very nice person but that does not take away the fact that what he does is wrong. I wont go around telling people he is gay or lambast him for what he practices but if he asks me I will tell him what he does is unacceptable. I am totally against a society that legalises gay marriage, sea horse males give birth so lets start giving human males pouches and uteruses as well, since we want to try everything that exists in the animal kingdom. Humans have shown what disobeying natural laws can do. Look at all the natural disasters going on and tell me its not because of how we disrespect nature. Nature is the most powerful force and when you disrespect it, it takes away many many lives.
    Hemaphrodites are people with biological deformities just like a person with six or seven fingers or with a defective gene, what do we do with those people, dont we treat them to correct the errors, why dont we(doctors) say well some animals have six fingers so let him have his six fingers or siamese twins, why dont doctors just leave them because clearly they are different from the rest of mankind.
    The fact that a natural law has travelled long spans of time, doesnt mean it is irrelevant or archaic. What is naturally unacceptable will be unacceptable in thousand years time, that is nature, the only difference is the effects are only seen subsequently.

    • But gayism occurs in nature. You claim you believe in natural law but make exceptions. Bonobo monkeys f**ks each other in nature. We humans are part of nature so why are you surprise gayness occurs in humans as well? I don’t get you and your lot. You keep making exceptions. Are you going deny the rights of hermaphrodite to chose who he/she makes love to?
      When you compare a s*xual orientation to deformity, then you are have lost the plot. Because I can also say being black is a deformity and an abnormality.
      What you consider deformity is nature’s variations. A six toed person is a normal person. You will not deny him his rights because he has six toes. So why would you deny a person rights because of his s*xual orientation?
      Nature is not perfect and creates all sorts of things the human mind cannot deal with. You can chose to reject it or accept it but nature doesn’t give a hoot.

      • he Goat also have s*x with their mothers,dogs eat theirs poop,hogs leaves in dirt,why don’t you joint them?an even if animal have s*x together they don’t do same sex marriage what you people want to do,black can never be a deformity because it’s a DNA thing,nobody is born gay,i know gay people that have know decided to become normal,being gay is a choice not a question i was born with it stop lying.And a six toed person have deformity on his body,this is not is choice you have a deformity in your head and you choice to accept it because you want your anus to poked tchrrrrrrrrr,having a physical diformity will never stop a person to have children or to be a good man or woman but being gay yes.

  17. Chris didnt ‘get into it’ with him because he is not gay. You ‘get into it’ with the opposite s*x remember?loooolll

  18. You said Christianity doesn’t force people to do things in our current society against their beliefs. I gave you examples. You even gave one where muslims say merry christmas. Yet you still insist it is not true. Christianity is the reason there are abortion and adultery laws. Why do you think there were laws against shopping on sunday in north America? Do you still believe Christianity doesn’t influence our western societies? Go to Ireland and see it at work. Books, films and plays are censored because of Christian influences.
    You are ignorant. Muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet. They call him Issa. You are just another ignorant bible thumper. You lie and when your are proven to have lied you move the goal post. Typical ignorant Christian. Sod off

    • You’re the one who is mad you’re blinded by hatred for Christ because you are afraid of the truth it’s hurts to hear that your life is not good,i repeat again each society is based on his spiritual belief not only christians countries are ruled by theirs beliefs,musilm countries are ruled by islam,Buddhism countries are ruled by Buddhisms this how thing works even if you go to a village ruled by a traditional belief like Djene in Mali the village lives accordingly to their traditional village this how things works in this world and this how things will always works,so stop accusing christianity for nothing you just have a problem with him because we christian are against your life style,you want us to legalize sodomy for you to enjoy but we will never do it.

      And please buy yourself a brain musilm don’t believe in Christmas because it celebrate the birth of the son of God and they don’t believe Jesus is the son of God and on several occasions it caused a lot arguments between christians and them so shut up your mouth,musilm even made an alert to ask their others fellow musilm to not take part to christmas so what are talking about idiot?

      Go to others countries were christianity is not the norm you will people work Sunday,and in most of them christmas is not even a public holidays in France christians countries Ramadan is not a public holidays but in Morocco musilm countries it is.So you see this is not a christian thing but a general thing so ignorant poor little thing leave us alone.

      So shut up your mouth my dear anyway nobody is telling what to believe or what to do,you are free to destroy your anus.You are not even able to discuss the real questions are asked you’re hear talking nonsense about christianity anyway what will you say you know your wrong anyway,not even ashamed just because of anal s*x you’re fighting like a hog.Your homosexuality won’t buy paradise for you,if you die with it you’re doomed better change now you’re still alive.

  19. I hate to say this but Hitler was right. The black race is inferior in mind. I wish the western world had made it illegal for blacks to mate and get married. I wish they had used the bible to pass laws against slaves having a voice. I wish Lincoln has kept out of the southern US so that slavery will continue. I wish the abolitionists hadn’t sacrifice to abolish the slave trade making Africa a continent of slaves. I wish it is a crime to be black. Perhaps then a lot of these anti gay mutherf*ckers will know what it means to be oppressed and abused in this world.

    • Hitler use to kill gay people too so shut up your mouth about it, black people are not the only who doesn’t want to hear about homosexuality,Indians,Arabs, a large group of white people,Chinese,in fact most of others colors except white people are against it so shut up your mouth,you’re not ashamed to insult your own people just because you like sodomy? are you mad? just because of unnatural s*x that can destroy your life you’re a stupid idiot.

  20. My dear you’re lying just to justifies your life style adults heterosexuals don’t have sphincters problem like homosexual this is a lie,you’re the one who is a joke,you guy are oblige to wear pampers because your sphincters can’t no more control itself,your fierce,you stink and your body develops all sort of illness only know to the LGBT community,so don’t lie for an heterosexual adult to wear pampers like you he needs to be old very old,you while you’re young you’re entire body is scatter and you’re talking.You’re really pitiful too pitiful,if homosexuality is normal why is your body reacting so badly????you’re worst than hog.

    • I cant do all the work for you. But look up the number of people dying from other disease other than sphincter ruptures. And compare them. You will see there is worse things happening to straight people than sphincter ruptures. The fact that non gay people are dying with other diseases than gay people makes your whole sphincter angle moot. If non gay people are dying more than gays with sphincter ruptures then your whole nonsense falls on its face. like the NPP say “all die be die”. Now shut the f*ck up you dolt!

  21. I won’t weep i’m sad for you! i made an entire speech to tell you that the catholic church is not representative of the christians in the bible there is nothing such as the catholic church and i told you that what they did is really bad and not in agreement with the word of God,from the crusade to the inquisitions everything is bad but you’re still talking as if i said i agree with what happened i told you true christians don’t go to war and they don’t force people to conversion.

    And for inquisition and Crusades those are two different things and still crusade were to control the holy place,not to convert people,as for inquisitions it was a pure catholic thing to chase what they were calling heresy it’s was not about converting people but killing witches and wizards this is different even if you were known as a good christian if were found guilty you were finished and i repeat it this not what Jesus Christ wanted us to do,what Catholics did is evil and as nothing to do with the bible.,whether you want it or not.

    Now you’re showing me something about african american i mean what the link with the crusade? and today who is forced to go church or convert anymore? some african american decided to become musilm and others went back to traditional belief, so please stop your speech this is nonsense,me when i said do christians force people to read the bible I’m talking about today who is forced to read bible or to convert?

    you said you want freedom and that i christians were restricting you’re freedom because of our faith,so now I’m asking you the libertarian why do you want to force us christians to follow your desire by allowing gay marriages in our churches??? is it not against your own convictions of freedom?

    • And let me tell you mister,you can’t blast christianity and religious and ask for marriages rights because marriage is not an institutions invented by the states,but by God religions are the creators of marriages, the states just put an hand in it so you’re blasting christians because they are invending and influencing states lives,people lives with theirs rule,but you’re fighting to have the right to use one of their institutions? hbahahahhahaahha very funny if i follow your logic normally you should not be asking for the right to marry because,marriage is a religious made thing hahahahahah so funny,you’re a real big joke you and you’re Lgbt friend are big jokes.

      • Religions didn’t create marriage you dolt. Marriage predates the church. Once again you’ve proven you are not intelligent enough to have this discussion. Marriage were arrangements to brig families together for power and money. The church only got into it later. Not stop embarrassing yourself. Heard of civil marriage? Many people get married without the church. So there goes your nonsense. You are dense.

    • Nonsense. The catholic church gave you the bible you are still quoting from. most of the belief you have were given to you by the catholic church. But then you are too stupid to know that. The number of books in the bible was determine by the catholic church. Stop be an idiot! Yes evangelicals are a breakaway movement but the core principles came from the catholic church. The sins of the fathers is carried over by their children. Just like the catholic church was against abortion, so do evangelicals. Evangelicals didn’t create anything they follow. it was handed down to you by the catholic church. Spare me the nonsense. You are to dumb if you don’t even know this simple fact.

  22. Nobody is born gay? You are daft! If people can be born with both organs why cant they be born with the different orientation? See your problem is ignorance. If you knew the stages a human embryo goes through to be come a man or a woman, you’ll not be spewing the nonsense. A*hole you know gay people but not all gay people. So stop your I know gay people nonsense.
    I never chose to be heterosexual so why is homosexuality a choice? When did you chose to be straight? Please do tell.
    Based on the nonsense black people a spewing on this issue, I have concluded blackness, and I just don’t mean the skin colour, is a deformity. I agree with the Nazis. Blackness is a disease.

  23. Look a*hole you are a deformity. A brainless load of diseased cell masquerading as a human being. Any idiot that believes sexual orientation is a deformity is a nutcase and a deformity. I have concluded that you are a deformity, a deviant and a f*cking retarded nutjob. No amount of pleading will change that. You just hide behind religion because you are ignorant and require regurgitated pablum for you to survive. Now go jump of a cliff.
    My people doesn’t include knuckle draggers like you? What? Do you think because we share a skin colour, we are the same? Don’t kid yourself. A swan has nothing in common with a maggots and bottom feeders. My people are any group of enlightened people that believe in individual rights and freedom.
    PS. Since you are brainless your natural instinct is to think anybody that doesn’t support you insidious thinking is gay. A typical binary view of an absolutist. I am not gay. Never have been and never will be. But I believe in the rights of the individual to live their lives the way the see fit and I will keep defending it. No bible thumping mofo, hypocrite and a potential child molester like you is going to change that.


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