
Jesus Christ Should Kill Me In Three Days If I’m A Fraud — ‘Angel’ Obinim Throws Out A Challenge – Video


Our favourite self proclaimed Angel of God, Bishop Daniel Obinim, is back to making nonsensical claims about himself to try and justify his continual exploitation of his congregation to make himself a very comfortable living on earth, tax-free.

Obinim, who is one of the best at taking advantage of the inherent gullibility of Ghanaians to enrich himself, is unhappy that some pastors and other Ghanaians criticize him for sharing lotto numbers to his church members.

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Obinim The Angel Cum Dancer Shakes His Body To A Secular Song In His Church As Congregation Cheers On (Video)


Bishop Obinim

There is nothing Bishop Angel Daniel Obinim, founder and leader of the International Godsway Church (IGWC), does that his congregation does not find absolutely, completely, fascinating.
He could jump in church one day, take off all his clothes like a mad man and they would all applaud with glee and some would probably even follow suit.

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Obinim Definitely Thinks His Followers Are FOOLS — His Latest 'Miracle' Involves Him Hiding A Passport In His Shoe And Claiming He Spiritually Conjured It


Bishop Obinim

Bishop Daniel Obinim, founder and leader of the International Gods Way Church, definitely knows his followers are ready to believe any crazy claim he makes since they’ve readily accepted his claim that he’s an ‘angel of God’.
Ghanaians on average are extremely religious and huge fans of superstitious nonsense but Obinim’s followers seem to take it to a whole new level because they accept all his claims as fact, claims no other pastor in Ghana would be bold enough to make.

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My Husband Is An Angel, I’m Never Leaving Him – Florence Obinim Talks About Her Marriage To Angel Obinim



Florence Obinim, husband of the ‘angel’ of God Bishop Daniel Obinim, has opened up on her marriage, how it all began and why she believes her husband is really an angel as he claims.

Florence, a famed gospel singer in her own right, granted an interview on Hello Fm in Kumasi.

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PHOTO: Read The Letter Accusing Obinim Of Fraud That Led To His Arrest


Bishop Obinim
Bishop Obinim

Bishop Daniel Obinim is out on bail after his arrest on fraud and assault allegations, making a triumphant return to his adoring followers to rival that of his pal Jesus to Jerusalem.
Obinim has denied the fraud allegation, brought against him by one Bismark Kusi, who claims Obinim took Ghc 11.9m from him and failed to return it. 

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OBINIM SPEAKS – Says Fraud Allegation Is A Frame Up And Accuser Is An Illiterate Who Cannot Possess That Much Money


I would say something about the pot calling the kettle black but I doubt Obinim has the capacity to absorb that kind of metaphor.
The victorious founder and leader of the International GodsWay Church (IGWC), Bishop Daniel Obinim, has addressed the issue of fraud that popped up and led to his arrest after he turned himself in over a separate issue of alleged assault.

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