
Do Waist Beads Stop Men From Cheating? Do You Wear Any & Why? + GAY Men Are Wearing Them Too…

Waist Beads


I read an interesting article this morning about waist beads that contained certain information I knew already—but interestingly, it has something else that got my attention.

According to the article, a bead seller the writer spoke to urged women to keep their waist beads on as it helps control promiscuity in relationships. It is obvious men love waist beads since it somehow taps on their sexual drive but I did not know waist beads have the charm to keeping men glued to women who wear them.

As an African woman, I wear waist beads for 3 main reasons and I will like to know why you wear waist beads as a woman—and if you are a man, why do you like your woman to wear or not to wear waist beads. As a woman, I wear them for fashion as I find them fashionable. It makes me feel great about my body and I love seeing them on myself.

Secondly, I’ve been told over the years that waist beads help shape the figure of a woman—and even though no one has been able to scientifically prove this, they somehow seem to work. So I keep them on my waist (I have 4) to keep and develop my figure.

The last reason why I wear waist beads is the fact that my current boyfriend loves them. He grabs them and plays with them when we are having good times and when we are relaxing, chatting or watching movies. I guess it does some magic things for him, like it does for most men.

Another new and shocking thing I found from the article is that, homosexual men in Ghana have started wearing waist beads. One seller confirmed this, saying; some homosexual men regularly come to buy beads from her—to wear.

Interestingly, in the article which was published on Infoboxx the writer said, “Patricia Naa Dei, a university student I met buying these jewels, told me waist beads were simply for fashion. She indicated, she didn’t like them but had to put them on to satisfy her boyfriend, who loves to see them on her.

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