Mzbel may not have been able to openly mention the name of her baby’s father, despite the fact that many people have expressed keen interest in knowing who the Dad of Aaron could be…
But few days ago, the Ghanaian musician took to instagram in what seems like, a subtle attempt to let fans know about her existing close relationship with UT Boss-Prince Kofi Amoabeng, saying, the CEO is Romantic, a Sexy Golfer, Handsome and more…
Mzbel uploaded a cute photo of the CEO of UT Bank-Prince Kofi Amoabeng and with the caption; “Role model 4 life! Ghana’s Most RespectedCEO#Greatness #Humble #Down2Earth #NoNonsense#Romantic #Principle #Handsome #Healthy
#TheGiant#SexyGolfer Lol YEP! #PKA *wink*,”
Is Mzbel trying to tell us something? It definitely seems so, considering the fact that Mr. Prince Kofi Amoabeng has been rumoured to the baby father of Mzbel’s first child…
Eii! Chris wo ye too much!!Mzbel nso if its true take some of his money and pay for the clothes you loaned ok?
Here is a girl openly endorsing dating old men n yet gc is not calling her ashawoo dat she is,which well educated woman of substancr n class will do dis.dis man is almost my granpa size n wot will a gal like mzbel calling him sexy for,seriously wot is sexy abt dating old men for moni yet ur still broke n hv nothing to show for it,i told u all these gals r wannabees n ashawos and i have lost respect for dis man too,how can u be sampling small small girls cos u think u hv made money from fraudulent means.shame on u!
Well said Kojo,i don’t know whats wrong with him nor old cargo.
And wot is more disguisting dat she call da old awin gaa a role model,seriously?wot role model is he,if a 70yr old man is truly da father of ur baby then u shld bow ur head down in shame.wot example is he setting for da youth to follow..dis is why i dont respect all these old crooks,dey r no role models.
Kojo, Kojo, Kojo…Well she’s not the only one sleeping with an older men, Okoro, sandra and the rest are doing the same so since you have the guts to insult mzbel do allow us all to insult your okoro and sandra too. We’ve had enough rubbish from you so allow us and don’t get in our lanes.
Well at least okoro n sandra didnt post pics of their old dick,if ur eye no see,is not disguisting,but dis one actually went ahead to post n write appaling tins n even got pregmant for dis shameless old awin gaa.such a bush gal at least da oda respect demselves
I hear you.but quit the insults in here and allow others to express their views.
Is mzbel a small small gal, omg Kojo do u knw hu a small gal is?
So dis wannabe is still creditting stuff.my friend told me she went to credit sofa from stacy and her husband n dey dragged her for months before she payed Iin bits.she also told me she went to credit brazillian hair n clothes from diamondlicious butik n couldnt pay, she later try to steal the gals sponsors when she say da man had too much money n very generous do dat girl quarelled wit her after da man exposed mzbel to her.dher.dis gal owes ppl all over da place yet she’s not ashamed shes dating a STINGY old man and has nothing to show for itit.it.i cant see myself dating a sugar daddy n still dont hv money to buy clothes n peti thingthings.all she gets from da man is second hand cars dat ppl bring for loans n cldnt pay n was confisticated.da old man cant even use his cash to buy a brand new car for her yet she goes arnd thinkIing she Iis dating somebody aaarma.apuuuuu..sucking old cargo dicks n not getting anything from it.
So dis wanabee gal is still creditng stuff from ppl wow with all her bragging she hasnt stopped dis habbit.my frend told me she went to credit sofa from stacy n her huby n dey drag her for months before she paid in bits.heard she also went to credit brazillian hair n clothes from diamondlicous butik and she cldnt pay n try to take away da girls sponsor when she saw da man had too much money n was very generous she tried to corner da man for her herself but da man exposed her to diamondlicous n she quarreled wit her.she also went behind mimi’s back to sleep with her producer movingi n told da man to stop prducing mimi.she has stabbed all her friends Iin da back.da old man Is stingy n doesnt give her.anything just fuking n wasting her time.she tot having a baby with him will change his stingyness but it has even become worse.no money for her to do new music and she is still living at mallam.she even force to move to east legon years bk when eazzy, diamondlicous n dumas all moved der but she cldnt afford da houses der cos dey were too xpensive n da old man wldnt pay for Iit either so she still lives in her gbawe yet claims she”s dating a rich man hahahaha rotfl
WO ye too much!!!I love the name Diamondlicious!go Sister Alma,go!
Hahaha wa sum ye wod3 lol.i can actually write a book abt dis wannabe braggat who bank acount is empty n leaves on a tight budget.hv u seen her go on a luxury vacation in recent times like da odas.no .she cant afford it n even had her baby in gh despite da bad medical service.3yrs ago she made noise n lied her tv reality show was gonna show on metro tv dat month.till date Iit didnt show cos she didnt hv moni to produce Iit n pay airtime to aire it.she thinks been kim k is by mouth lol.she came back to make more lies dat after birth she is coming out with matured songs.her baby is ova a year now n still nothing.now da lies she tell ppl is dat her baby dad dont her to do music meanwhile dis Iis something u luv to do before u evn met whoeva.even bey n alicia keys who r even millioonares all return to music a few months after havin a baby
Haha no moni so now she I trying to burrow from ppl to do new music cos she cldnt live at to her lies …part 1
Sister Ama all the way.my ears die,e dey sweet me paaaaa!.more filla!
This gal is just a liar who begs her media frends to publish lies abt her just to get attention cos till date all da things she claim she was abt to do never existed.if u claim ur dating a rich man then how come he doesnt want to invest in ur career n psh u international like sarkodie.how come he cant sponsor her tp shoot good videos in uk n dubai like sqrkodie.ricj man my foot apuuuutooor.u were fuucking oda boys like max whn u were still with da old fool why.bcos she is not happy n a sad soul who cries day n nite n yerns for true love.stop all da attention seeking cos u hv been wit dis man for 5years n has got nothing to show for it but a 2004 sevond car.fumas m okoro dated phc motors man for just a few months n dey both got brand new 2013 tear rubbers.ur not v.lassy n will neva be der malam girl so stop forcing….part 2
You lol know too much.
Ghana’s females celebs are into selling their bodies and the males are bunch of fraudsters. This is what happens when you live in dusty Accra and dont earn as much but yet wanna live like some Hollywood celeb in Beverly Hills.
yep, exactly!!!
Very true. Some of the males sleeps with older women who are around their mother’s age. Sugar mommies vs sugar daddies.
But Nana Aba Anamoah too used to sleep with this man. eh hmmmm
This old man is just a dog jumping from gal to da other,am sure there r more ashawo gals bonking da old saggy dick dat da media is not aware of.role model my foot,and da sad part is dat these gals r soo desperate to belong so dey will date anything in trousers dat can give dem small coins even thou he’s cld be older than their fada.and also knowing very well he is dating oda girls arnd n perphaps spreading deseases.
oh wow, is this guy married???? ahhhh hmmm
I heard he’s divorced
hmmm i see..
i guess he divorced his humble wife to fool around with anything thats in skirt.
Yes and for we all know wife was behind his success and now some ugly bitches are in to enjoy where they didn’t sow.
Mz B, u hv lots of worthless enemies but rise above the hate, ok? Haters make u popular. Better to hv that adorable baby than abort him. Call u to say hi to little Aaron. Relax n be yourself. Shave yourself free mz B. Respect!
My dear I think she is being herself as she hasn’t stopped loaning for things,bragging and going after rich men
I dont think anybody is hating on her,wot is der to hate?she is da one dat has messed up her life by chasing after old men.bragging n trying to leave beyond her means while she actually cldnt afford n went to credit stuff n hair,eeeii wot if da owner met her in town n decided to remove da hair on her head since she cldnt pay,u can imagine the scene n embarassment llike i said all gals r prostitutes.but some go for ones dat can pay big n odas credit to try hard to catch up with da lucky ones,odas too oshofreee
Oh so now you also part of our dissing club huh? Haven’t you insulted us enough over this celebrities and now you want to contribute on mzbel? Well now you know is freedom of speech plus no hating so do allow us to criticize the other ones closer to you as well… Nonsence
All girls are prostitutes? Why am I not surprised. Your mother’s base is at circle. Son of fool!
Wow Mzbel really? Dang gurl..these celebs have no shame fi reals and when ppl call them derogatory names they get P.I.S.S.E.D her and Sandra must have the same contact list lol. I do not see the diff between Mzbel, Sandra and others…well aside from she doesn’t hide her actions…feel sorry for her kid this is not what you kid needs to think is normal. SMDH.
Unfortunately, this mzbel is seeking attention. she has been asked to provide a DNA to confirm the child is for the old man, she is not with the old man and has been begging the man to at least take care of the child. this is because the old man made her aware that he wants to have fun and not kids or marriage shince he has a lot of kids and women in his life but she thought she could trap him with the kid. The kid has 2 daddies being the oldman and maxwell. she is disgracing the man because even let us assume she is still with the man or dating him because with his reputation and she being a slut with no good record, people will disrespect the man. he already has a lot of cases handing on his head with people calling him fraudster, thief etc. this is also nt good for the little boy. what a shame! this gilr will do anything for attention. classless way of seeking attention. will the other ashawo girls come on instagram to showoff a man that is not taking care of them? no! she knows what she is doing and if she should be confronted by the man she will say it is either someone hacked into her instagram page or its a fake page. the man has loads of girlfriends-a cheap man like this one? he fucks and dumbs them worse is if you go back to him with pregnancy he will ran far away from you meanwhile i dont think he uses any protection. an old man who is supposed to set a good example for the youth to follow, how are his kids going to behave and can he control them if they do anything of this nature? what a pity and world we live in, copying the western blindly. infact i respect okor and sandra more than this girl. cheap useless whore
So how old is this old man?
What did this man see in Mzbel? Couldnt he get anyone apart from Mzbel?
she went forward and forced herself on the man, and used some of his friends to get to him my dear
lol the man dated nana ama anamoah for a very long time until mzbel crashed in to ruin their joy.
This man paa, hope he changes cs he’s too old to be bonking girls here and there. lol & MzB too all bcs of l’argent.
but you know money makes people do the things you least expect them to do. Mzbel is an example…… its all about the benjamins
That’s true tho.