
Pan African TV Africa Follows Foreign Telenovela Trend – Hypocrisy or Financial Pressure?

Tv Africa
TV Africa

I started reading books on African legendary heroes and Pan Africanism right from secondary school days. Due to the African philosophies I imbibed, I kind of appeared weird to most of my friends and even family members; because, I did not accept or believe in most Western things.

My Pan African proclivity got out of hand – as I started challenging my Economic teacher that I don’t agree with some of the things in our Economic books written by Western theorists and scholars. I did not see the sense in eating with cutleries at dining hall; and others.

Today, I don’t display my Pan Africanisms loudly, but, Pan Africanism, remains in my conscience and it shall remain with me till my dying day – just like a non-dreadlocked man once said “I’m a Rastafarian for life but not dreadlocked, because, Rastafarianism is not about the looks but its values.”

One revered man in Ghana’s media and creative art industry and the owner of TV Africa, Mr. Kwaw Ansah, and also a Pan African advocate, who has over the years called on Ghanaian creative art people, especially, in the field of movies, music and fashion, to use our art forms to tell our story, educate on our cultural, traditional and belief systems, today, stands accused.

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REVIEW: Ghana ‘Late Night Celebrity Show’ is Now A Living-Dead-Show


E–TV’s ‘Late Night Celebrity Show,’ as the name suggests, is a late night entertainment programme in which various celebrities panoptic from any sect of our showbiz industry; music, movies, broadcasters, comedy, poetry, painting, event organizers, academia, sports, religion, etc. are celebrated or brought closer to their fans.

Though the programme which started some years ago has thrilled its fans with interactive celebrity interviews, it is currently one of the most boring television shows I watch on E-TV and below are my observations for opining so:

Recycling Of Celebrities

They are recycling the same celebs they’ve interviewed over and over again and over! It’s boring watching the same faces on the same platform again and again, saying the same things over and over again.

We still have many celebs who have not been on the show ever before; so why recycle those you’ve interviewed many times again? It portrays lack of hard work on the part of the whole production team.

Pairing Of Celebrities

From the first time I saw celebrities being paired on the programme, I said to myself, these people will have problem with content (celebs) someday. The evidence is clear now! That is why the team is now recycling the old celebs they have hosted before.

Apart from the pairing causing recycling of the celebs, it doesn’t give the host ample time and dedicated focus to probe each celebrity well or enough. Many a time, the programme ends without the host ‘drilling’ the two celebs enough, because, the host either concentrated too much on one person at the expense of the other or sometimes, some flippant celebrities wag their tongues too much – taking the shine off the other person.

The Host Is a Put Off

Though the current host, Leila, is trying her dead level best, the more she tries, the less intriguing she makes the show and the more irksome the show gets. From the first day she started hosting the programme till now, she has not been able to muster common ‘intro’ of the show; not to talk of her inability to ask or put erudite and thought-provoking questions at her guests.

She’s not a good interviewer. Most of her questions are trite and banal! She is not well informed on subject matters and mostly lacks facts about the very issues and people she interrogates and hosts respectively. She mostly gets her facts wrong! There is no art in her presentation skills. She is generally off putting. Indeed, she is the main reason (aside the other reasons) why the show is ho-hum!

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