
Mo Farah Places 8th in His First London Marathon | 36,000 Runners Took Part & Kenyan World Record Holder Wilson Kipsang Was the Winner

Wilson Kipsang of Kenya
Wilson Kipsang of Kenya

The Virgin Money London Marathon took place today and despite many people rooting for Olympic hero-Mo Farah who was having his first marathon experience, he placed 8th.

Kenyan world record holder Wilson Kipsang won this year’s Virgin Money London Marathon title as he finished the race on a time mark of hours, four minutes and 29 seconds.

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‘Human Barbie’ Valeria Lukyanova Shows Her True Self Without All the MAKE-UP


For those of you who only know ‘Human Barbie’ Valeria Lukyanova as a doll, she has revealed how she actually looks like when she is not hiding under heavy layers of make-up…

Apart from the fact she needs over 100 burgers, the 28-year-old Ukrainian model who recently made headlines when she said Mixed Races Have Ruined Beauty Standards in the World has a fine face—and don’t forget the various facial surgeries…

Even though she does not look completely natural in these photos, they still show how make-up can change what people present to us…

Valeria Lukyanova


Check out more photos below…

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Adisadel College English Tutor Hangs Himself

Adisadel College
Adisadel College

No matter how tough life becomes, taking ones own life shouldn’t  be an option. It was therefore with shock that students of  Adisadel College woke up to a tragedy this morning—-to find one of their teachers hanging on a tree behind his bungalow.

According to reports, Mr Appiah Menka, about 58 years old and an English tutor at the school was found dead this morning on a mango tree a few meters from his bungalow.

It is being said that, the English teacher left a note to explain why he decided to take his life. The note which was written in a red ink was titled; “No solution to my perennial financial difficulty”.

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SOMEHERE IN THE WORLD: American Couple Jailed in Qatar Over Organ Harvesting of Their Adopted Ghanaian Child



Do you remember Shirley Frimpong Manso’s recent movie-POTOMANTO in which she looked at the issue of organ harvesting by certain affluent people in our societies? If you missed my review of the movie, Click Here to READ it

If you thought organ harvesting was alien to our society and the movie had no basis or of societal interest, then you were WRONG. According to reports, two Americans (couple) have been sentenced to 3 years in Jail in Qatar over the death of a young girl they adopted from Ghana.  The couple were accused of  fatally starving their daughter Gloria, originally from Ghana, so that they could harvest her organs…

All I am saying is, the issue of organ harvesting is not foreign to our settings—not that the couple actually did that as accused…

You Can Click Here to Watch POTOMANTO


According to BBC;

A court in Qatar has sentenced an American couple to three years in prison over the death of their eight-year-old adopted daughter.

The judge did not specify the exact charges of which they were convicted.

But prosecutors had accused Matthew and Grace Huang of fatally starving their daughter Gloria, originally from Ghana, so that they could harvest her organs.

The couple said it was “ridiculous” and that Gloria died from complications related to an eating disorder.

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Malaysia Prime Minister Has Announced That Flight MH370 ‘CRASHED in South Indian Ocean’

Missing Flight


After more than two weeks of search with in and out hopes, relatives of passengers and crew have been informed of the ‘heartbreaking’ news that Flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean, the Malaysian Prime Minister has announced.

It is shocking and beyond mysterious that in this age of technological advancement and computer power, a big craft like a commercial plane with 239 people can disappear or fall into the Indian Ocean without any trace…

Our hearts go to the family and loved ones…


According to the BBC;

Malaysia’s prime minister has announced that missing flight MH370 crashed in the southern Indian Ocean.

Najib Razak said this was the conclusion of fresh analysis of satellite data tracking the flight.

Malaysia Airlines had told the families of the 239 people on board, he said.

Earlier the BBC saw a text message sent to families by the airline saying it had to be assumed “beyond reasonable doubt” that the plane was lost and there were no survivors.

Flight MH370 disappeared after taking off on 8 March from Kuala Lumpur.

The announcement by PM Najib Razak, at a late-night news conference, came on the fifth day of an international search effort in the southern Indian Ocean.

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Ghanaian TV Presenter & 6 Others Arrested at JFK for Heroin



A Ghanaian TV Presenter and six others have been arrested by the FBI and US authorities for allegedly importing 3.7 kilograms of heroin into the United States of America (USA)…

The TV presenter-Aisha Gangarey whose husband is now deceased was allegedly into drugs and had a narcotic partner who was arrested in the united States in 2012.


According to MyJoyOnline;

Six persons including Aisha Gangarey, a TV presenter, were nabbed by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and US authorities for allegedly importing 3.7 kilograms of heroin into the United States of America (USA).

The accused persons, who have been put before an Accra Circuit Court presided over by Francis Obiri, would be extradited to the United States if found guilty.

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Pastor Mensa Otabil Says ‘Prayers Won’t Change Ghana’s Economy’ | Where is Duncan Williams?

Mensa Otabil
Mensa Otabil

Several religious leaders across the world dwell on dogmatic views which mostly make them sound less intelligent than they really are…

Constantly throwing out non-working assumptions based on assumed powers of the Holy Spirit and Prayers, some pastors have gone as far as asking their church members not to even go to the hospital when sick. And others have even commanded a falling currency to rise when there is no evidence or reason to say this can ever happen.

Few weeks ago, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams spiritually “commanded” the falling cedi to “rise” and said prayers will bring the better economic that Ghana desperately needs.

Today, Pastor Dr. Mensa Otabil has said prayers cannot save Ghana’s economy nor improve it from its current circumstances—a clear indication that Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams was wrong. At least one of them is wrong as they are riding on parallel lines…


According to RadioXYZ;

Motivational Speaker Dr. Mensa Otabil says prayers cannot save Ghana’s economy nor improve it from its current circumstances.

“It’s time to stop having All Night prayer meetings for the change of economy,” the General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church told his Congregation on Sunday March 16, 2014, when he preached about: ‘The Power of Vision.’

He says rather than praying for the economy to improve, the Country must have a focused vision with a clear cut plan toward shoring up the economy.

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SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD: Iraq Wants to Allow Girls As Young As 8 Years To Marry

Iraq kids


A law being considered in Iraq which has come under attack could lead to girls as young as eight getting married—and wives being forced to submit to sex at their husband’s every request.

Currently, the legal age for marriage in Iraq is 18, or 15 with a guardian’s approval and this could soon be changed if the law comes into force.

The controversial proposals have provoked outrage from activists both within Iraq and around the globe, who see it as a huge step backwards for women’s rights.

This law, aimed at creating different laws for Iraq’s majority Shiite population, could further fray the country’s divisions amid some of the worst sectarian bloodshed since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

According Hana Adwar, an Iraqi human rights activist, ‘That law represents a crime against humanity and childhood. Married underage girls are subjected to physical and psychological suffering.’

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New Data and Satellite Images Show That Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 Was Hijacked & Was Seen Flying Towards Pakistan or Indian Ocean

Missing Flight


It is a week since the disappearance of flight MH370 and there is a new dimension to the story as investigators say the missing Malaysia Airlines jet was hijacked, steered off-course and could have reached Pakistan.

This news comes at a time when many people were losing hope in a possible rescue as nothing concrete has been found yet.

According to a Malaysian government official, people with significant flying experience could have turned off the flight’s communication devices—and that is the reason why all traces are not possible as at now.

The representative said that hijacking theory was now ‘conclusive’, and, as a result, police have raided the luxury homes of both the captain and the co-pilot.

Zahari Ahmad Shah, 53, the pilot, and Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27, are now being investigated as police in Kuala Lumpur search for signs of foul play.

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SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD: Phones of Passengers in Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 are RINGING?

Missing Flight


Even though search has intensified, nothing concrete has been found in relation to Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 that disappeared on Saturday while carrying 239 passengers. Today, it is being reported that, some relatives who have been calling the cell phones of their loved ones claim the phones are RINGING…

According to the Washington Post, family of some of the 239 people on board the vanished Boeing 777 said that they were getting ring tones and could see them active online through a Chinese social networking service called QQ.

One man said that the QQ account of his brother-in-law showed him as online, but frustratingly for those waiting desperately for any news, messages sent have gone unanswered and the calls have not been picked up.

This new eerie development comes as the Malaysian authorities said they had identified one of the men on two stolen European passports who were on the flight – and that he was not considered likely to be a terrorist…

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SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD: North Korea Leader- Kim Jong Un Gets Every Vote in an Election

Kim Jong Un


This is really fun and it gives us an idea as to the fact that the people of North Korea do not really have a choice–even when it comes to elections.

How can there be 100% turn out at an election and Kim Joung Un winning all the votes?  To think of it, who will have the ‘balls’ not to come out and vote for him, even if he is the only one on the ballot paper?


According to Yahoo;

With no one else on the ballot, state media reported Monday that supreme leader Kim Jong Un was not only elected to the highest legislative body in North Korea, he won with the unanimous approval of his district, which had 100 percent turnout.

North Koreans went to the polls on Sunday to approve the new roster of deputies for the Supreme People’s Assembly, the country’s legislature. The vote, more a political ritual than an election by Western standards, is generally held once every five years.

Though results for the other seats in the assembly had not yet been announced, North Korea’s media quickly reported Kim had won in his district — located on the symbolic Mount Paekdu — without a single dissenting ballot.

In the previous elections, 687 deputies were chosen. This is first time the election had been held since Kim inherited power after the death of his father, Kim Jong Il, in 2011.

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SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD: Radar Shows Missing Malaysian Airline May Have Changed Route

Missing Flight


It was reported on March 8 that a passenger flight carrying 239 passengers, including five children, from Malaysia had gone missing. For more than 24 hours now, the flight has still not been found.

According to new report by the country’s air force chief, the pilot of Malaysian Airline flight MH370 may have diverted the aircraft’s course before losing contact with the air traffic controllers.

“What we have done is actually look into the recording on the radar that we have and we realized there is a possibility the aircraft did make a turn back,” Rodzali Daud, the Royal Malaysian Air Force chief, said.

Conversely, the flight’s pilot did not inform the air traffic controllers that he was making a u – turn.

Search and rescue teams have focused their search in an area around an oil slick on the ocean between Malaysia and Vietnam where officials believe the plane crashed. However, on the basis of the new report that claims the pilot might have changed direction bolsters fear now; as many believe this puzzling incident could have been an act of terrorism.

The airline has as at now warned families whose relatives may have been on board to prepare for the worst since they have still not found any possible trace to the missing plane.

Authorities have as well confirmed that, the Boeing – 777 (flight MH370) which left Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and was heading to Beijing (China) had at least two people on board who were travelling on stolen passports.

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WHEN BEING BLACK SUCKS: Black Armed ‘Woman’ Police Officer In UK Sues Scotland Yard Over Claims She Suffered Racial Discrimination

Carol Howard
Carol Howard

It is bad enough to be discriminated against by private individuals—if the law enforcement agencies like the police are said to be doing it to their own staff, then you can imagine what is next…

Institutional racism is one of the greatest problems in the UK and the Metropolitan Police seems to be leading in racial discrimination cases.

According to Evening Standard;

Scotland Yard’s elite unit at the centre of the Plebgate scandal was today facing fresh controversy as it emerged a black woman officer is suing for alleged racial discrimination.

Carol Howard, 34, a Diplomatic Protection Group (DPG) firearms officer, who helped safeguard London from terror attacks during the Olympics and protects senior politicians, government buildings and foreign embassies in London, claims her career has been held back.

She is alleging a senior male DPG officer has denied her equal opportunities because of her race and gender.

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Google’s Auto-Populator Says ‘Black Women Are The Worst Mothers’

black mothers are worst mothers

This is unbelievable and no wonder some people are upset on the web…There are several amazing and great black mothers all around but it has been found that  if you type “Black Mothers are” into Google the first term that auto populates is “the worst.”

Just by calling attention to this issue, writer Anthonia Akitunde’s story has already replaced the top search. Below is some of her thoughts on the issue…


According to HuffingtonPost;

When you Google the phrase “Black mothers are…” the first autopopulated result is “…the worst,” followed by “…abusive,” and then two questions wondering just how many of those black mothers were single. (There is no equivalent for white or Asian mothers, though the term “Hispanic mothers are” pulls up “in Hispanic families mothers are respected as healers.”)

The results are telling of the dated perceptions around black women and their families. They slap of racist rhetoric and stereotypes that can be traced back to the Reagan era’s trumped-up welfare queen — the myth of single black mothers who saw their numerous children as nothing more than taxpayer-subsidized paychecks — and “crack babies.” Add to that a number of other race-based social phenomenon that stole the headlines in the past (inner city violence, black-on-black crime), and you can begin to see just how the idea that “Black mothers are the worst” came to be.

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WE ARE OUR OWN ENEMIES: Nigerian Father Arrested For Fitting A Padlock To Four-Year-Old Son’s Mouth To Stop Him Screaming As He Beat Him To Death…



How can any human being do this to another, let alone his own son? This is wickedness at an unimaginable level…There is evil anywhere you go in the world but it seems Africans are becoming more and more of our own enemies.

According to MailOnline;

A Nigerian father has been arrested after he allegedly padlocked his son’s mouth shut to stop him screaming while he battered him to death.

Chris Elvis, 30, allegedly accused four-year-old Godrich of being an ‘Ogbanje’ or ‘child of evil’ and blamed him for his bad luck in recent days.

The security guard beat his son, burned him all over his body with a hot iron and then locked him in a plastic drum, according to court documents.

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