
PHOTOS: Agya Koo & Others Attend Asamoah Gyan’s Mother Funeral

Yesterday, the funeral of the mother of Black Star captain-Asamoah (BabyJet) Gyan who met her untimely death last year in a car crash was held. The funeral ceremony for Cecelia Amoako (Asamoah Gyan’s deceased mother) was attended by several high political, showbiz and religious personalities.Notably among them were Agya Koo and Coach Akwesi Appiah. Madam … Read more

The Great Wall Of Division In The Ghana Movie Industry; Twi Actors Claim Some English Speaking Actors Look Down On Them & Are Over Snobbish

Agya Koo, Juliet Ibrahim & Roselyn Ngissah
Agya Koo, Juliet Ibrahim & Roselyn Ngissah

There is a great divide in the Ghanaian movie industry and this became more evident prior to the last Ghana Movie Awards when the local dialect actors ‘Kumawood actors’, threatened to boycott the event. Some Twi actors since and after the awards have complained bitterly about how some of their ‘counterparts’, the English speaking actors treat them especially at public events. Some mentioned that the English speaking actors tend to embarrass them when they even get close to them.

The Ghana Movie Industry is one industry running on different dialects. It doesn’t matter to me if an actor belongs to Kumawood or Gollywood, they’re all part of the creative industry. The fact that somebody speaks English in his/her field and another speaks Twi in his/her field does not make one better than the other.

When I read this report in Graphic Showbiz, it was like reading about two different countries competing against each other. The actors who complained about the excessive snobbish behaviour of some English actors were, Kwaku Manu, Akrobeto and Salinco.

Kwaku Manu mentioned that on several occasions, he had tried chatting with some of the English-speaking glamour-type actors at events and the responses he had received were rather chilly, quoting him: “As though those of us who act in Twi are second-rate.”

Citing an example of one of such embarrassing as the 2011 Ghana Movie Awards, he said, he personally approached three English-speaking actors in a conversation and their reaction suggested that they did not recognise him as a colleague actor. The actor also mentioned that on another occasion, Nana Ama McBrown introduced him to some English-speaking actors at an event and he experienced a similar humiliation. “I get the impression that they see themselves as better than us and therefore look down on us” he said.

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After Spending The Weekend In Jail, Agya Koo Has Been Granted Bail Over Alleged Visa Fraud

Popular Ghanaian actor and comedian, Agya Koo must have had a long weekend as he spent weekend in police custody following his arrest over an alleged visa fraud . News reaching GhanaCelebrities.Com is that, Agya Koo and his fans can put up a smile as the comedian has been granted bail to the tune of … Read more

Agya Koo Arrested OverAlleged Visa Fraud Case Anti-Human Trafficking Unit Of The CID

Agya Koo Abrantie
Agya Koo Abrantie

Celebrated Comedian Kofi Adu popularly known as Agya Koo has been arrested by the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Headquarters in Accra.

His arrest followed a warrant issued by an Accra Circuit Court for the comedian to answer allegations of fraud made against him by one Stephen Kwarteng.

He was arrested yesterday when he called at the unit to answer questions on the alleged fraud.

He might not be granted bail immediately since the warrant of arrest issued by the judge did not state that he should be given a police bail.

Agya Koo would face charges of attempting to smuggle and defrauding by false pretense.

He had insisted that his lawyer, Capt Nkrabea Effah Dartey, be present before he would write his statement or be interrogated.

However, after several hours of waiting, the police took him to the crime scene at the American Embassy where his victims said the had converged to claim their US entry visas which were never forthcoming.

The Director of AHTU, Superintendent Patience Quaye, said following media reports, more victims, numbering about 13, had called to indicate their preparedness to lodge official complaints as they had also been swindled by the comedian.

Narrating the details of events leading to his arrest, Supt. Quaye said her outfit had received complaints from Mr. Kwarteng on January 4, 2013.

According to the complainant, somewhere in 2011, he discussed his intention to travel to the USA with a friend who introduced him to Agya Koo, for assistance.

He said when they met with Agya Koo at his Kumasi residence after earlier deliberations in Accra, he paid the comedian $1,880 as the cost of securing the US entry visa.

Two months after the payment, Agya Koo called to indicate that the visa was ready and asked the complainant to meet him around the US Embassy to collect it.

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Agya Koo Wanted By Police For Visa Fraud, Arrest Warrant Issued…

Agya Koo in traditional wear
Agya Koo in traditional wear

According to the below report by DailyGraphic, Ghanaian Actor/Comedian-Agya Koo real name Kofi Adu has found himself in ‘hot waters’.

For allegedly defrauding a certain Mr Stephen Kwarteng, an arrest warrant has been issued by the Accra Circuit Court for Agya Koo’s immediate arrest.

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The Accra Circuit Court has issued a warrant for the arrest of popular Ghanaian actor and comedian, Kofi Adu, also known as Agya Koo, for allegedly defrauding an individual of GH3,800 by false pretence.

The warrant, issued in Accra on January 8,2013, directed the police to apprehend Agya Koo and produce him before the court to answer charges of fraud leveled against him by a complainant.

But the ace comedian, who had initially cut off the call to him by the Daily Graphic, with the explanation that he was busy at work, later called to deny having collected that amount of money from Mr Stephen Kwarteng, the complainant, although he admitted knowing Mr Kwarteng.

The Director-General of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service, Commissioner of Police (COP), Mr Prosper Agblor, told the Daily Graphic yesterday that a report of fraud had been made against the suspect by Mr Kwarteng, who alleged that the comedian had taken GHc3,800 from him on the pretext of helping him travel to the United States of America (USA).

According to Mr Agblor, although the warrant was placed at all exit and entry points in the country to prevent the suspect from travelling out of the country, Agya Koo managed to beat immigration officials at the Kotoka International Airport and travelled to Abu Dhabi to watch the friendly football match between Ghana and Tunisia.

The Director-General indicated that the complainant reported to the Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) of the CID that some time in 2011, he (complainant) expressed the desire to travel abroad and discussed the issue with a friend, who introduced Agya Koo to complainant as a friend who could help him realise his dream.

Thereafter, the complainant and his friend called Agya Koo to inform him about Mr Kwarteng’s intentions to travel to the USA.

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Trailer: Van Vicker To Premiere His First Twi Movie ‘Joni Waka’ Featuring Agya Koo On December 14

Actor Van Vicker is gradually breaking new grounds as he continues to direct and produce his own movies. He has set an agenda which is to contribute his quota to the industry, not only as an actor but as a movie maker to give opportunities to new crop of actors. After winning couple of awards … Read more

Lil Wayne, Nana Ama Mcbrown, Funny Face, Agya Koo, Kwaku Manu,Mercy Asiedu & Others Nominated For Kumawood And Akoben Movie Awards 2012

The second edition of the Kumawood and Akoben Movie Awards (KAM Awards) was launched last Saturday to industry players and the media in Kumasi after which the nominations were released amidst excitement to kick start the nominations party. The organisers defied the heavy rains to go on with the launch. Movie makers are gradually buying … Read more

Lil Wayne, Nana Ama Mcbrown, Funny Face, Agya Koo, Kwaku Manu,Mercy Asiedu & Others Nominated For Kumawood And Akoben Movie Awards 2012

The second edition of the Kumawood and Akoben Movie Awards (KAM Awards) was launched last Saturday to industry players and the media in Kumasi after which the nominations were released amidst excitement to kick start the nominations party. The organisers defied the heavy rains to go on with the launch. Movie makers are gradually buying … Read more

Agya Koo, Kyeiwaa, Kofi Adjorlolo, Jackie Appiah, Nadia Buari, Nana Ama McBrown, Emelia Brobbey & Others Nominated For Kumawood Film Festival & Akoben Movie Awards 2011!


In October, a new award scheme dubbed ‘Kumawood Film Festival & Akoben Movie Awards’ was launched in Kumasi to cater for movies produced in local languages in Ghana.

The awards is organised by Kumawood Entertainment and Concept Developers with support from major stakeholders of the film industry is to award Actors, Actresses, Writers, Directors, Producers, Technician and other personalities in the local film making industry in Ghana.

The awards jury after weeks of screening submitted movies has come out with nominations for this year’s awards slated for Farmer’s Day, December 2, 2011 at the Miklin Hotel in Kumasi.

Below is the full list of nominations. Ticket for the award’s night is cool 50 GHC.

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Ghana Movie Industry’s Talented & Versatile Actors!


The Ghana Movie Industry is doing relatively well. The industry has also come to an appreciable level where its actors and actresses get recognition at prestigious awards on the African continent, Europe and lately in America.

But I strongly believe that, it won’t be too strong a word to say that, the industry lack versatile actors. Truth be told in plain language, versatility is almost non-existent in Ghanaian movies. Also, the industry is small, that every actor who does a movie gets noticed.

Very often Ghanaians [annoyingly true] mistake how good-looking an actor is to mean he is a good or versatile actor, but that’s utterly not true. Let me remind you that being all good-looking has got nothing to do with how great you are when interpreting movie scripts.

Being a great actor like Harrison Ford or Nicholas Cage is one thing and being a handsome bloke like Brad Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio is also another thing all together. It should be noted that, I’m not in any way saying Harrison and Nicholas are the best of unappealing actors, neither am I saying Brad and Leonado are not good actors.

I get more confused if not worried or worried if not confused whenever a scriptwriter writes a script with a particular actor or actress in mind. This practise is rampant in Africa. In a way, it goes to show that, the said actor is a typecast who specialises in particular roles and also means the person isn’t versatile.

Acting is an art that can be acquired but most actors were born with the talent – those actors are naturally versatile. In football, a versatile player is referred to as a utility player – a person who can operate and play any position in his team. It doesn’t matter the challenge, such a person will fit in perfectly especially when someone is injured or suspended.

Versatility in acting is when an actor is able to play many roles and still be in character. The actor should be playing varied roles from a different genre [romance, comedy, blockbuster, thriller among others] to another.

It is not mostly about playing different characters though, it’s about being able to act different roles and look believable. A great and versatile actor knows how to get into character and switch back when the need arises. This means that, Ghana has only few versatile actors out of the whole lots.

An actors’ mannerism when interpreting any role is very important. Interestingly, offer a role to a Ghanaian actor and you are sure to get the same person in return. Give an angry-looking role to good-looking Kofi Ghana to interpret and you will surely get good-looking Kofi Ghana in your movie.

Such actors are called typecast. They are only there to play one particular role in all their movies. There are no ‘wow factor’ for such actors, since they appear to be the same in all movies.

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Tish’s Corner: 10 Best And Worst Ghana Movie Posters…


Mama once told me never to judge a book by its cover, yet they say picture speaks in volumes. The aroma of a soup can forcibly make your appetite take a flight even when you are famished.

If producers and directors are not creative enough in their graphic designs, I wonder how their story lines will be. Posters are essentially the sole announcement of the films that are on the way.

I have noticed certain Ghanaian movie posters most times deter the public from patronizing the movies.

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